Monthly Archives: February 2011

Lynnrockets’ Political Oscar Night Recap

John Boehner thanks the Academy

What with all the attention focused on Hollywood last night, you might not have noticed that the City of Boston held the 235th annual Political Oscars. The storied event was held on the U.S.S. Constitution (Old Ironsides) in Boston Harbor so that the Tea Partiers in the audience would feel at home. Prior to the ceremony, the nominees were paraded along the famous Freedom Trail past such historic sites as America’s first voucher-less public school, Paul Revere’s home, the site of the Boston Massacre and the Bunker Hill Monument. As they boarded Old Ironsides, they were pelted with tea-bags before they took their seats on the poop-deck. The event was not widely seen on television because all of America’s lamestream media networks were covering the “other” more popular pageant in LA. Thankfully, Al Jazeera did cover the event.

And the winners were…

Best Female Violent Rhetoric: Failed Nevada Republican Senate candidate Sharron “2nd Amendment Remedies” Angle

– Runner-up: Reality TV host Sarah Palin – “It’s time to reload”

Best Male Violent Rhetoric: Fox News host and self-described “rodeo clown” Glenn Beck who said, “I want to kill Charlie Rangel with a shovel”

– Runner-up: Failed Arizona Republican Congressional candidate Jesse Kelly who, while running against Gabrielle Giffords, held a fund-raising event that was advertised as “Help remove Gabrielle Giffords from office. Shoot a fully automatic M16 with Jesse Kelly”

Best Female Fictitious Memoir: Reality TV host Sarah Palin for her “America By Heart” wherein the self-professed founding fathers-lover wrote, on page 189,  about the opinions of Founding Father John Adams, including his famous quotation, “we have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion.”   Her mistake is not in her analysis of the importance of faith to John Adams.  No, her error came in claiming that he had been a “leading participant at the Constitutional Convention.” The reality is that John Adams did not participate in the Constitutional Convention. He was Ambassador to Great Britain at the time.

– Runner-up: Condoleeza Rice’s “Extraordinary, Ordinary People” because it fails to mention a single thing about the run-up to the invasion of iraq.

Best Male Fictitious Memoir: George W. Bush who quoted in “Decision Points”, Gerhard Schröder (then German Chancellor),  as having said of the run-up to the Iraq invasion, “What is true of Afghanistan is true of Iraq. Nations that sponsor terror must face consequences. If you make it fast and make it decisive, I will be with you.” Bush then wrote, “I took that as a statement of support. But when the German election arrived later that year, Schröder had a different take. He denounced the possibility of force against Iraq.” Schröder however has had this to say about Bush, “Just as I did during my subsequent meetings with the American president, I made it clear that, should Iraq … prove to have provided protection and hospitality to al-Qaida fighters, Germany would reliably stand beside the US. This connection, however, as it became clear during 2002, was false and constructed.”

– Runner-up: Donald Rumsfeld’s “Known and Unknown” in which he wrote, “Powell was not duped or misled by anybody. Nor did he lie about Saddam’s suspected WMD stockpiles. The president did not lie. The vice president did not lie. (CIA Director George) Tenet did not lie. Rice did not lie. I did not lie. . . . The far less dramatic truth is that we were wrong.” ‘Nuff said.

Best Republican Propaganist (TV): Fox News

Best Republican Propagandist (Radio): Rush Limbaugh

Best Tan: Republican Speaker of the House, John Boehner (pronounced “boner”)

– Runner-up: President Barack Obama

Most Creepy Sex Scandal: Todd “First Dude” Palin for having sex with the same prostitute that wife Sarah Palin frequented for massages

– Runner-up: Former married GOP Rep. Chris Lee from New York for posting an eerie shirtless Craigslist ad allegedly searching for both female and transsexual sex partners

Biggest Lie Of The Year 2010: PolitiFact editors and reporters have chosen “government takeover of health care” as the 2010 Lie of the Year. Said Jonathan Oberlander, a professor of health policy at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill:  “The label ‘government takeover” has no basis in reality, but instead reflects a political dynamic where conservatives label any increase in government authority in health care as a ‘takeover.’ ”

– Runner-up: Moonbat-crazy Teapublican Rep. Michele Bachmann’s (MN) claim that Obama was going to spend $200 million a day on a trip to India.

Most Racist State: Arizona, for its unconstitutional “Show me your papers” law

State Which Spends Least Per Pupil On Education: Arizona

Highest Profile Employer of Illegal Immigrants: Failed GOP gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman of California

– Runner-up: Failed GOP presidential candidate Mitt(wit) Romney of Massachusetts

Most Chaste Politician: Failed GOP senatorial candidate Christine O’Donnell of Delaware who does not masturbate

– First runner-up: Former ex-quitting half-term Republican governor of Alaska Sarah Palin who’s husband allegedly gets his action from her masseuse

– Second Runner-up: Bristol Palin, the former unwed pregnant teen and single mother who now preaches abstinence

Most Unlikely Presidential Candidate: Republican Donald Trump who would lead this nation out of the worst economic downturn since the great depression with the knowledge and skill he acquired after having filed for bankruptcy on at least four occasions

– Runner-up: Sarah Palin, who said on her failed un-reality television program that she’d rather be in Alaska “than in some stuffy old political office.”

It was a truly memorable night and after all the awards were handed out, the winners and runner-ups all accompanied Master of Ceremonies Charley Sheen down to Boston’s notorious red-light district “The Combat Zone” for more fun and frolic!

Please remember to click on the song link below to familiarize yourselves with the tune and to have more fun singing along with today’s song parody.

God Bless The U.S.A. song link:


(sung to the Lee Greenwood song “God Bless The U.S.A.”)

If tomorrow all my brains were gone
And I was just plant life
With a feeding tube shoved in
Against the wishes of my wife
I’d thank my lucky stars the G.O.P. had their way
And curtailed my family’s freedom
Made them watch me waste away

Boy, I’m proud to be a Republican
Like Huckabee and Romney
And I won’t forget Glenn Beck who cried
Right there on Fox TV
Cuz they’ll gladly stand up next to you
And berate your union pay
I just love those hate filled flames they fan
They hate the U.S.A.

Bachmann hates in Minnesota
Alaska has Sarah P.
Rick Perry down in Texas
They’re in the Tea Party
Not Detroit nor in Boston
Too liberal, black and gay
There’s no soul in any Republican heart
And they love it just that way

Yes, I’m proud to be a Republican
Just like Rush and Hannity
And I love the facts they do deny
Right there on Fox TV
And I’ll gladly stand up next to you
And castigate Tina Fey
Cuz I never doubt those Red State men
No matter what they say

Oh, I’m proud to be a Republican
As I sit here sipping tea
Palin’s “death panels” can’t be denied
They say on Fox TV
Sarah sends a Twitter –  text to you
Six or seven times a day
It’s Republicans that love this land
In our per-ver-ted way!

Sunday Morning Coffee (or Tea) – 71

Just a few newsworthy items (and comments thereon) that have been making their way through the political universe this past week. Please ponder and maybe chuckle a bit before enjoying a wonderful day!

BREAKING NEWS: Lynnrockets was glad to hear that somebody else agrees that New Jersey Governor Chris Christie (R) is like a caricature of some sort of “Sopranos“-like television politician. Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley (D) criticized Christie’s confrontational and headline-grabbing governing style, calling it a “stand-up routine”. He also accused Christie of being “abusive towards public employees.” Furthermore, he called Christie a hypocrite over his tough budget talk for skipping a $3 billion payment into the state’s pension fund and allowing New Jersey property taxes to increase. Be careful Governor O’Malley because Christie may send “Paulie Walnuts” after you!

THIS JUST IN: This week’s episode of “Republicans Eating Their Own” features Tea-Baggers and conservative Republican Rep. Joe Barton. The Texas Republican is remembered most as being the out-of-order loudmouth who shouted “You lie!” on the House floor as President Obama was explaining that the health care reform law did not cover illegal immigrants. He also dismissed the $20 billion BP victims’ escrow fund as a “shakedown” on the part of the Obama administration. You would think that this whack-job would be a darling of the Tea Party, what with their warped sense of politics. Yet, this week at the Tea Party Patriots sponsored American Policy Summit, Barton was booed by the faithful. Apparently acknowledging public debate over a possible government shutdown, Barton told the audience about the legislative action – called a continuing resolution – recently passed in the House that temporarily funds the government in lieu of an actual budget. The measure would fund the government for the rest of fiscal year 2011, which ends September 30, and cuts $61 billion from current spending levels. The Tea-Bagger response? Wild shouts of “Boo, boo!, More, more!”. The uncouth Barton and the misguided Tea-Baggers deserve each other.

BREAKING NEWS: This week’s episode of “Not Everybody Learns From History” stars Newt Gingrich. In an editorial published today in the Washington Post, the disgraced former Republican House Speaker and serial wife-cheater writes of a possible government shutdown caused by Republicans, “Those who claim that the shutdown was politically disastrous for Republicans ignore the fact that our House seat losses in 1996 were in the single digits.” Someone should remind Gingrich that during the last government shutdown at the end of 1995 – a three-week event that has since been attributed to rocketing President Bill Clinton back into political favor among the electorate after a bruising midterm election defeat for the Democrats in 1994 – Republicans ultimately compromised with a newly-energized Clinton after the public backlash suggested the GOP was taking a huge political hit. The shutdown also precipitated Gingrich’s ultimate embarrassing resignation from Congress. Here’s hoping history repeats itself once again.

THIS JUST IN: GOP operative Roger Stone, who is currently an informal adviser to Donald Trump said this week that Trump is likely to take a page out of other recent billionaire political aspirant’s playbooks and cut himself a check to the tune of $200 million to finance a run for the presidency. In light of the fact that Trump has filed for bankruptcy protection on at least four occasions, it is surprising that he has $200 million. Just what a country with an ailing economy needs, a President who has gone bankrupt multiple times.

BREAKING NEWS: The New York Times reported last week that after Judith Regan was fired by HarperCollins in 2006, she claimed that a senior executive at its parent company, News Corporation, had encouraged her to lie two years earlier to federal investigators who were vetting Bernard B. Kerik for the job of homeland security secretary. The News Corporation executive, whom she did not name, wanted to protect Rudolph Giuliani and conceal Regan’s affair with Kerik, she said. It has now been revealed that the person urging her to lie was none other than Roger E. Ailes, the powerful chairman of Fox News and a longtime friend of Mr. Giuliani. Anyone surprised?

THIS JUST IN: This week’s episode of “Your Tea Party At Work” features the Montana Tea-Baggers. The AP reports that, “with each new bill they file, newly elected Tea Party lawmakers are offering Montanans a vision of the future. Their state would be a place where officials can ignore U.S. laws, force FBI agents to get a sheriff’s OK before arresting anyone, ban abortions, limit sex education in schools and create armed citizen militias.” How’s that for change you can believe in?

BREAKING NEWS: You may have missed it, but last Wednesday somebody over at Fox News spoke the truth. Host Shepard Smith said that there is no longer a budget crisis in Wisconsin and that the battle in the state is all about politics and union-busting. Specifically he said, “to pretend this is about a fiscal crisis in the state of Wisconsin is malarkey.” What are the chances that Smith is rewarded for his candor by receiving a pink slip this week?

THIS JUST IN: Speaking of Wisconsin, Republican Governor Scott Walker attempted to divide the unions by proposing to restrict the collective bargaining rights of some unions but not others. His labor-busting bill will exempt the police and fire unions who endorsed his candidacy. His divide-and-conquer plan has unexpectedly failed. Blogger Ryan Harvey reported, “Hundreds of cops have just marched into the Wisconsin state capitol building to protest the anti-Union bill, to massive applause. They now join up to 600 people who are inside. Police have just announced to the crowds inside the occupied State Capitol of Wisconsin: ‘We have been ordered by the legislature to kick you all out at 4:00 today. But we know what’s right from wrong. We will not be kicking anyone out, in fact, we will be sleeping here with you!”‘. OK Walker, what is Plan B?

BREAKING NEWS: We are still waiting for Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown to either identify the child sex offender that he claims molested him at a summer camp or to admit that he embellished the story to sell books. Despite the fact that law enforcement agencies have requested that Brown identify the sexual deviant, Brown has refused to do so. In the meantime, Brown’s inaction allows a child molester to remain on the loose and free to strike again. This story is not going away.

THIS JUST IN: It would not be a complete weekly news wrap-up without a Sarah Palin story. Celebrity chef Jamie Oliver called Sarah Palin a “Froot Loop” for criticising the Obama administration’s healthy eating initiatives, and said getting healthy foods to kids is a civil rights issue. Apparently the former ex-quitting half-term Governor of Alaska and failed reality television personality is now being targeted by other reality television stars. You just have to love it!

BREAKING NEWS: Speaking of “Froot Loops”, did anyone see Joe Scarborough question Glenn Beck‘s sanity this week? His criticism of the Fox News host was simply scathing. Scarborough said, “This guy is losing it before our eyes. He’s bad for the conservative movement. He’s bad for the Republican Party. He’s bad for Fox News…even guys over at Fox News have to start thinking, this can’t last. He’s out of control.” But as we always say, a picture is worth a thousand words, so let’s go to the tape…

Please remember to click on the song link below to familiarize yourselves with the tune and to have more fun singing along with today’s topical song parody. Enjoy!

Last Train To Clarksville song link:


(sung to the Monkees song “Last Train To Clarksville”)

Take the last train to Nutsville
Beck will meet you at the station
You can be there by four-thirty
Cuz Fox made your reservation
The Beck Show, oh, no, no, no!
Oh, no, no, no!

Glenn lost his mind without warning
And it won’t be back again
Glenn Beck’s facing stormy weather
And it’s causing quite a strain
So, he must go, oh, no, no, no!
Oh, no, no, no
He might have a lobotomy on his dome.
Take the last train to Nutsville
Glenn Beck is their famous patient
If he’s not crying he’ll blow some kisses
But don’t attempt conversation
Oh… oh, no, no, no!
Oh, no, no, no!

Take the last train to Nutsville
That’s where Glenn Beck now calls home
We can’t hear him making noisy
Conversation all alone
He’s feelin’ low. Oh, no, no, no!
Oh, no, no, no!
And I don’t think that Glenn’s ever coming home.

Take the last train to Nutsville
Take the last train to Nutsville
(repeat and fade)

Sarah Palin Will Serve Word-Salad In India

The reason Sarah Palin's speech in Hong Kong will be closed to the press.

Today Lynnrockets has good news and bad news. The good news is that Sarah Palin will be leaving the country. The bad news is that Sarah Palin will be leaving the country and  making a laughing-stock out of the United States while speaking in India. After all, Sarah Palin reflects on our nation like Borat reflects on Kazakhstan.

The former ex-quitting half-term Governor of Alaska will be traveling to India next month to speak at the 10th annual India Today Conclave. The conference is billed as a high-profile talk-shop of “global thought leaders”. Time reports that Palin “will be speaking alongside heavyweights such as Mohammed ElBaradei — at one stage, the figurehead of Egypt’s pro-democracy movement — feminist firebrand Germaine Greer, and the Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. Her speech, according to reports, is tentatively titled “My Vision for America.”‘

Since when is Sarah Palin a “global thought leader”? She is not, after all, much of a traveler. During her failed 2008 campaign she admitted to having traveled abroad only twice. Indeed, she falsely claimed that she had been to Iraq when in actuality, she never left bordering Kuwait. In her first ghost-written memoir she also wrote about her family’s trips to Canada when she was a child to utilize that country’s medical system. In 2009 she traveled to Hong Kong to deliver a speech to a group of world-wide investors but the event was closed to the press.Then, earlier this year she went to Haiti to witness the devastation of the cholera outbreak. That is it. Sarah Palin is no Dora the Explorer.

Her limited international awareness notwithstanding, Sarah Palin is also a terrible speaker. Has there ever been a more verbally challenged politician? Think about it, haven’t successful politicians historically been able to charm and beguile voters with the help of a well formed phrase? If such is the case, then how did Sarah Palin ever manage to get elected to any public office higher than dog catcher? Consider some of her actual quotations such as these:

“As Putin rears his head and comes into the air space of the United States of America, where– where do they go? It’s Alaska. It’s just right over the border.” –Sarah Palin, explaining why Alaska’s proximity to Russia gives her foreign policy experience, interview with CBS’s Katie Couric, Sept. 24, 2008, and

“All of ‘em, any of ‘em that have been in front of me over all these years.” –Sarah Palin, unable to name a single newspaper or magazine she reads, interview with Katie Couric, CBS News, Oct. 1, 2008, and

“They are also building schools for the Afghan children so that there is hope and opportunity in our neighboring country of Afghanistan.” –Sarah Palin, speaking at a fundraiser in San Francisco, Oct. 5, 2008, and

“If [the media] convince enough voters that that is negative campaigning, for me to call Barack Obama out on his associations then I don’t know what the future of our country would be in terms of First Amendment rights and our ability to ask questions without fear of attacks by the mainstream media.” –Sarah Palin, getting First Amendment rights backwards while suggesting that criticism of her is unconstitutional, radio interview with WMAL-AM, Oct. 31, 2008

Perhaps her India speech (which has been modified from a speech about her Hong Kong trip by a blogger) will be something like this:

From the Kitchen Office of The Quitting Half-Term Governor of the Republic Of Alaska

Well hiya, Indians. How!

Ya know, I always wondered where curry and peace pipes came from, and now I know. Hey congratulations on not spreading the wealth around.

As a foremost expert on Energies and such I asked my son Trig if I should accept your offer to speak here tonight and he said hell-yeah!
Ya know the only thing more precious than a child, is a vision of an economic that ensures the greatness of achievements so the taxpayers freedoms remain free, like our founding fathers did before our childrens’ future, which is what I’m fighting for but the lametream media won’t let me because they keep making things up also and I wish they’d just quit it ya know?
Because Governing Alaska was just a leetle bit more qualifying than organizing black kids, you betcha, so that’s why I’m on Fox News all the time because basketball moms know the difference between helicopter wolf-hunting and clothes-shopping and when you read all the newspapers like I do you have to ask yourself the hard questions and get things done while protecting your shores because, as a mother, I have a fridge magnet that inspires me every day to keep going and keep fighting for things that are need to be done so that our kids can’t be indoctrinated by the nay-sayers who aren’t real Americans from which we can learn politics as usual isn’t what I’m all about and we should all ask ourselves, in what context? By the way, where’s the casino also, too?

Thank You.

Quite simply, Sarah Palin must abide by that age old trial lawyer’s creed. To wit, ” If you can’t dazzle them with brilliance, then baffle them with bullshit.”

Please remember to click on the song link below to familiarize yourselves with the tune and to have more fun singing along with today’s topical song parody. Enjoy!

Maxwell’s Silver Hammer song link:


(sung to the The Beatles song “Maxwell’s Silver Hammer”)

Palin castigates and she miscommunicates
Speaking words unknown
She repeats and drones in a grating tone
Oh, oh, oh

She needs medicine, we’re in need of Excedrin
When she whines and moans
She’s less erudite than ol’ Fred Flinstone
Oh, oh, oh

She’s not as bright as that Plumber, Joe
And dresses like a whore

Slang!, slang!, Sarah’s silly grammar
That spews from out her head
Slang!, slang!, Sarah’s silly grammar
Her language we all dread

Safety-schools back then, Sarah had no acumen
Could not stay employed
Trying to avoid an unpleasant scene
Ee, ee, een

She can’t help but pray for luck each election day
Before she resigns
Working with a mind that is oh, so slow
Oh, oh, oh

She only aggravates and annoys
And gets in ethics binds

Slang!, slang!, Sarah’s silly grammar
That spews from out her head
Slang!, slang!, Sarah’s silly grammar
Her language we all dread

(death panel break)

By age forty-one, Palin was a dirty one
Sitting on her throne
Giving state jobs to all her friends from home
Oh, oh, oh

Quacking like a mallard while tossing a word salad
Sarah gives a speech
The words are just out of reach, it’s darn sloppy prose
Oh, oh, oh

And as the words are leaving her lips
She gets much more tongue tied

Slang!, slang!, Sarah’s silly grammar
That spews from out her head
Slang!, slang!, Sarah’s silly grammar
Her language we all dread

Silly grammar gal

A Friday Three-fer

Three things caught the attention of Lynnrockets’ Blast-Off in the last few days.

1.  CNN reported that Democratic Massachusetts Rep. Michael Capuano came under fire for heated comments he made at a union rally earlier this week. Capuano spoke at a rally outside the statehouse in Boston Tuesday in support of Wisconsin state workers. He encouraged union members to challenge a proposal that would limit collective bargaining rights stating, “Every once in a while you’ve got to get out in the streets and get a little bloody when necessary. This fight is worth it.”

The seven-term congressman was one of many who called for toned-down rhetoric after the shooting of Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords last month, and therefore his rhetoric seemed a bit strong. Indeed, Capuano himself realized this fact an offered an almost immediate apology for his words. He said, “I strongly believe in standing up for worker rights and my passion for preserving those rights may have gotten the best of me yesterday in an unscripted speech. I wish I had used different language to express my passion and I regret my choice of words.”

Capuano is mulling over a bid to take on Republican Sen. Scott Brown in 2012 and has said he will decide by this summer. At this point, Mike Capuano is Lynnrockets‘ choice to replace Brown.

2.  In contrast to the way Democrats are handling the use of violent rhetoric, we have Republican Georgia Rep. Paul Broun. You might remember Broun as being the guy who was forced in 2008 to apologize when he likened then-President-elect Barack Obama to Adolf Hitler. He also drew national attention last month when, live tweeting during President Obama’s State of the Union Address, he wrote among other criticisms, “Mr. President, you don’t believe in the Constitution. You believe in socialism.”

According to the Athens Banner-Herald, at a town hall meeting last night, the first question asked of Broun was “Who is going to shoot Obama?”. Shockingly, the comment drew laughter from the crowd, but Broun did not exactly denounce the comments, according to the paper. His reply? “The thing is, I know there’s a lot of frustration with this president,” he said in response. “We’re going to have an election next year. Hopefully, we’ll elect somebody that’s going to be a conservative, limited-government president … who will sign a bill to repeal and replace Obamacare.”

As is the case far too often, if a Republican is not personally vomiting-out violent rhetoric, he or she implicitly condones such language by his or her supporters. The difference between the demeanor of the parties could not be more apparent.

3.  We have saved the best for last. Dancing with the Stars is already searching for potential stars to train with professional dancers in the next season of the hit ABC show. Christine O’Donnell has reportedly been asked to be on the show. O’Donnell is still unsure if she will accept the offer to dance. “My initial thought was to decline,” she said. O’Donnell said that she didn’t think that her dancing abilities were up to par, but she’s reportedly still deciding on whether or not she wants to try her chances on the show. Lynnrockets wonders if she is also mulling over potential costumes. The obvious choice is, of course, a witch, but she could also pull-out the infamous Halloween lady-bug duds. Stay tuned.

Please remember to click on the song link below to familiarize yourselves with the tune and to have more fun singing along with today’s topical song parody. Enjoy!

“Dancing Queen” song link:


(sung to the ABBA song “Dancing Queen”)

She can’t dance, she can lie, She is absurdly pro-life
Scheming girl, witchcraft scene, she is the dancing queen

Not too bright and her sights set low
Looked like an ass on Bill Maher’s show
She loves that right-wing music, sporting her new bling
Let’s pray that she don’t sing

She will trip and she will slide
Our laughter won’t be denied
Out of step to the music. Christine is not refined
There’ll be no second chance
Let’s all watch Christine dance…

Christine the dancing queen, two left feet, flubbing her routine
Dancing queen, seeking green from the cash machine
(Oh yeah)
If by chance she survives, will it ignite her sex-drive?
O’Donnell, on TV, she is the dancing queen

She’s a teaser, she’ll turn ‘em on
Hellfire burning on her front lawn
She’s a spell-casting mother cooking-up her brew
She’ll put ‘em in a trance
Let’s all watch Christine dance…

Christine’s the dancing queen, two left feet, flubbing her routine
Dancing queen, turning green on the TV screen
(Oh yeah)
What’s the chance she’ll survive? Will she make it to Round 5?
O’Donnell, on TV, she is the dancing queen
Christine’s the dancing queen

Scott Brown/Sex Offender Issue Too Important For One-Day Posting

"Don't endanger me, Scott Brown!"

The issue as to whether Senator Scott Brown (D-MA) is willing to reveal the identity of the criminal that molested him as a child is too important to post about for only day.

The talk radio airwaves in Boston were abuzz yesterday with discussion of Senator Scott Brown (R-MA). The one-time Tea Party darling who shocked the nation by winning Ted Kennedy’s Senate seat in 2010 had been fading from the public spotlight of late. For a short while, Brown was the 41st GOP Senator and consequently, his was the vote that could kill any Democratic Party bills. That all changed last November when the Republicans captured a few more Senate seats and Brown’s vote was no longer so critical. Brown also lost favor with the Tea Baggers when he sided with the Democrats on a number of bills including the financial reform regulation bill. Moreover, his intentional absence from Sarah Palin’s Boston Tea Party rally last April sealed his fate as a Tea Party has-been.

So, why all the recent interest in all things Scott Brown? The reason is simple. He released his memoir on Monday which is titled, “Against All Odds: My Life of Hardship, Fast Breaks, and Second Chances”. Heck, the title alone takes up the first few pages of text. The book itself however, is not what thrust Brown into the limelight once again. Rather, it was the press release which preceded the book last week wherein Brown revealed for the first time that he had been a victim of childhood sexual abuse on at least three occasions and by two different deviants. By including that bit of personal red meat in the pre-publication release, there is no denying that the revelation was intended to launch sales of his book.

Indeed, despite the other stories about a poor childhood, a history of youthful crime, some basketball, the military and his nude modeling, it was the sexual abuse that was the bombshell. Suddenly Brown appeared on Sunday night’s “60 Minutes”, “The View” and of course on “Fox News” and the discussion always turned to the sexual abuse. There are of course, fewer things more personally devastating to a child than sexual molestation and anybody who was subjected to such treatment deserves much sympathy. The fact that Brown not only overcame it, but then excelled at so many things thereafter is an example of true dedication.

Nevertheless, Brown is now unexpectedly receiving a great deal of blow-back in his own backyard. When asked by local television station WBZ if he would pursue his alleged sexual abuser, Brown said, “I have more important things to do… he’s probably in his 70s today.” Brown has even refused to identify the camp counselor that sexually abused him and declined a request by the Cape Cod & Islands District Attorney Michael O’Keefe to pursue an investigation to find the abuser and stop him. Brown’s post-publication words and actions are not sitting well with his constituents. Nor should they.

Brown has now painted himself into a corner. He had every right to keep his sexual abuse to himself as a matter of personal privacy. Indeed, he admitted last week, that until the release of his book, he never mentioned the molestation to anyone including his mother and wife. That was his prerogative, but as soon as Brown publicized the abuse in his memoir, the rules changed. The criminal allegations have now been made public by Brown and there are resultant ramifications and obligations which must be addressed. Scott Brown now has a moral duty to reveal the identity of his abuser if for no other reason than to prevent this sexual predator from hurting more children. It makes no difference that the criminal is “probably in his 70′s” because there are countless examples of convicted sexual predators in that age range. Additionally, inasmuch as sex offenders tend to repeat their crimes, it is likely that an identification made by a victim with Brown’s stature would urge any other past victims to come forward. Scott Brown’s silence is enabling an alleged child molester to remain on the loose. In short, Brown is personally profiting from his revelations of sexual molestation while doing nothing to prevent other children from suffering the same sexual abuse by the same deviant. That is not the type of leadership we expect from a United States Senator.

All of this also reminds us of Scott Brown’s decision just last autumn to endorse a fellow Republican, state Representative Jeffrey Perry, in his bid to replace Democratic Representative William Delahunt in Congress. During the campaign, it was revealed that Perry, while he was an officer with the Wareham (MA) Police Dept., allegedly covered up the actions of a fellow officer who was eventually found guilty of conducting illegal strip searches of two teen-aged girls allegedly in the presence of Perry. The Boston Globe reported, “One victim, who allowed herself to be identified by her maiden name, Lisa Allen, said in a late-October statement opposing Perry’s election that the then-Wareham sergeant “had to hear me screaming and crying” as Officer Scott Flanagan put his hand down the 14-year-old’s pants and ordered her to lift her bra after he, Perry, and another officer came upon a group of teens suspected of using drugs near a cranberry bog in 1991. Arguing Perry lacked the character to serve in such high office, Allen said: “Perry did not care about protecting teen-aged girls in Wareham from police officer Flanagan. Jeff Perry cared only about protecting police officer Flanagan.” Perry lost the election to Democrat William Delahunt.

Scott Brown endorsed Perry but never directly addressed the former officer’s involvement in the cover-up of the molestation. Rather, he criticized Perry’s opponent for making the subject known. In fact, Brown said, “It’s to the point: ‘Bill, stop with the dirty politics”. Wouldn’t you think that as the result of also having been sexually molested as a child, that Brown would not have considered the female victim’s statements and Delahunt’s criticism as merely “dirty politics”? Wouldn’t Brown have identified with the victim and perhaps second-guessed his endorsement. He did not. Brown simply towed the Republican Party line and supported Perry, and he has now politicized his own sexual molestation and is padding his wallet while doing so. And all this happens while a child molester remains at large because Brown refuses to identify him.

Senator Brown cannot have it both ways. It is morally abhorrent for him to profit by means of publicizing his own childhood sexual molestation and then to claim that he wants to keep the identity of the perpetrator a private matter. His book made this a public matter, and victims may be mounting as Scott Brown selfishly protects a child molester by refusing to identify him.

Scott Brown will need more than the Tea Party to win re-election in 2012. Massachusetts Republicans and Democrats may disagree on many issues, but protecting sexual offenders is not one of them.


Please remember to click on the song link below to familiarize yourselves with the tune and to have more fun singing along with today’s topical song parody. Enjoy!


(sung to the Beatles song “I’m Down”)

Scott’s tellin’ lies thinking I can’t see
That nude guy is so blind he can’t see
I’m down (I’m really down)
I’m down (Down on Scott Brown)
I’m down (I’m really down)
Watch as I laugh at that nude Scott Brown
(Watch as I laugh) When we vote him down

We’ll all sing when he’s voted away
Brown’s short fling will be over in days
I’m down (I’m really down)
I’m down (Down on Scott Brown)
I’m down (I’m really down)
Watch as I laugh at that nude Scott Brown
(Watch as I laugh) When we vote him down

Once he’s dethroned, he’ll be all by himself
Scott will moan: “They wanted someone else!”
I’m down (I’m really down)
Let’s vote him down (Vote down Scott Brown)
Scott Brown (He’s goin’ down)
Watch as I laugh at that nude Scott Brown
(Watch as I laugh) When we vote him down

(Wow! Scott’s goin’ down!)

Whoo, baaby!

Oh Scott, you’re soon going down (He’s goin’ down)
I guess your down (He’s really down)
We’re down on Scott Brown (He’s goin’ down)
Scott! Brown! (He’s goin’ down)
Let’s hang him upside down
Oh yeh, yeh, yeh, yeh, yeh, he’s down (He’s really down)
Scott baby you’re down (He’s really down)
Let’s hang him upside down (Let’s watch him frown)
Ooh, that Brown (He’s such a clown)
Scott baby you’re down, yeh
Scott baby you’re down, yeh
Scottie, you’re down (You’re really down)
Scott baby you’re down (You’re goin’ down)
Oh, Scottie, Scottie, Scottie! (You’re goin’ down)
Oh, Scottie you’re down (You’re goin’ down)
You’re down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down,  yeh, whoa!!!

Scott Brown Enables A Child Molester To Roam Freely

The talk radio airwaves in Boston were abuzz yesterday with discussion of Senator Scott Brown (R-MA). The one-time Tea Party darling who shocked the nation by winning Ted Kennedy’s Senate seat in 2010 had been fading from the public spotlight of late. For a short while, Brown was the 41st GOP Senator and consequently, his was the vote that could kill any Democratic Party bills. That all changed last November when the Republicans captured a few more Senate seats and Brown’s vote was no longer so critical. Brown also lost favor with the Tea Baggers when he sided with the Democrats on a number of bills including the financial reform regulation bill. Moreover, his intentional absence from Sarah Palin’s Boston Tea Party rally last April sealed his fate as a Tea Party has-been.

So, why all the recent interest in all things Scott Brown? The reason is simple. He released his memoir on Monday which is titled, “Against All Odds: My Life of Hardship, Fast Breaks, and Second Chances”. Heck, the title alone takes up the first few pages of text. The book itself however, is not what thrust Brown into the limelight once again. Rather, it was the press release which preceded the book last week wherein Brown revealed for the first time that he had been a victim of childhood sexual abuse on at least three occasions and by two different deviants. By including that bit of personal red meat in the pre-publication release, there is no denying that the revelation was intended to launch sales of his book.

Indeed, despite the other stories about a poor childhood, a history of youthful crime, some basketball, the military and his nude modeling, it was the sexual abuse that was the bombshell. Suddenly Brown appeared on Sunday night’s “60 Minutes”, “The View” and of course on “Fox News” and the discussion always turned to the sexual abuse. There are of course, fewer things more personally devastating to a child than sexual molestation and anybody who was subjected to such treatment deserves much sympathy. The fact that Brown not only overcame it, but then excelled at so many things thereafter is an example of true dedication.

Nevertheless, Brown is now unexpectedly receiving a great deal of blow-back in his own backyard. When asked by local television station WBZ if he would pursue his alleged sexual abuser, Brown said, “I have more important things to do… he’s probably in his 70s today.” Brown has even refused to identify the camp counselor that sexually abused him and declined a request by the Cape Cod & Islands District Attorney Michael O’Keefe to pursue an investigation to find the abuser and stop him. Brown’s post-publication words and actions are not sitting well with his constituents. Nor should they.

Brown has now painted himself into a corner. He had every right to keep his sexual abuse to himself as a matter of personal privacy. Indeed, he admitted last week, that until the release of his book, he never mentioned the molestation to anyone including his mother and wife. That was his prerogative, but as soon as Brown publicized the abuse in his memoir, the rules changed. The criminal allegations have now been made public by Brown and there are resultant ramifications and obligations which must be addressed. Scott Brown now has a moral duty to reveal the identity of his abuser if for no other reason than to prevent this sexual predator from hurting more children. It makes no difference that the criminal is “probably in his 70’s” because there are countless examples of convicted sexual predators in that age range. Additionally, inasmuch as sex offenders tend to repeat their crimes, it is likely that an identification made by a victim with Brown’s stature would urge any other past victims to come forward. Scott Brown’s silence is enabling an alleged child molester to remain on the loose. In short, Brown is personally profiting from his revelations of sexual molestation while doing nothing to prevent other children from suffering the same sexual abuse by the same deviant. That is not the type of leadership we expect from a United States Senator.

All of this also reminds us of Scott Brown’s decision just last autumn to endorse a fellow Republican, state Representative Jeffrey Perry, in his bid to replace Democratic Representative William Delahunt in Congress. During the campaign, it was revealed that Perry, while he was an officer with the Wareham (MA) Police Dept., allegedly covered up the actions of a fellow officer who was eventually found guilty of conducting illegal strip searches of two teen-aged girls allegedly in the presence of Perry. The Boston Globe reported, “One victim, who allowed herself to be identified by her maiden name, Lisa Allen, said in a late-October statement opposing Perry’s election that the then-Wareham sergeant “had to hear me screaming and crying” as Officer Scott Flanagan put his hand down the 14-year-old’s pants and ordered her to lift her bra after he, Perry, and another officer came upon a group of teens suspected of using drugs near a cranberry bog in 1991. Arguing Perry lacked the character to serve in such high office, Allen said: “Perry did not care about protecting teen-aged girls in Wareham from police officer Flanagan. Jeff Perry cared only about protecting police officer Flanagan.” Perry lost the election to Democrat William Delahunt.

Scott Brown endorsed Perry but never directly addressed the former officer’s involvement in the cover-up of the molestation. Rather, he criticized Perry’s opponent for making the subject known. In fact, Brown said, “It’s to the point: ‘Bill, stop with the dirty politics”. Wouldn’t you think that as the result of also having been sexually molested as a child, that Brown would not have considered the female victim’s statements and Delahunt’s criticism as merely “dirty politics”? Wouldn’t Brown have identified with the victim and perhaps second-guessed his endorsement. He did not. Brown simply towed the Republican Party line and supported Perry, and he has now politicized his own sexual molestation and is padding his wallet while doing so. And all this happens while a child molester remains at large because Brown refuses to identify him.

Senator Brown cannot have it both ways. It is morally abhorrent for him to profit by means of publicizing his own childhood sexual molestation and then to claim that he wants to keep the identity of the perpetrator a private matter. His book made this a public matter, and victims may be mounting as Scott Brown selfishly protects a child molester by refusing to identify him.

Scott Brown will need more than the Tea Party to win re-election in 2012. Massachusetts Republicans and Democrats may disagree on many issues, but protecting sexual offenders is not one of them.

Please remember to click on the song link below to familiarize yourselves with the tune and to have more fun singing along with today’s topical song parody. Enjoy!

Bad, Bad Leroy Brown song link:


(sung to the Jim Croce song “Bad, Bad Leroy Brown”)

Well its nuthin’ like Chicago
We’re talkin’ ‘bout Boston Town
And if you like men bare
You’re gonna love it there
With Senator Scottie Brown

Now Scottie’s talkin’ double
He loved the Mass. health reform law
He voted for it like the flip-flopping Guvnor
Yet now he has declared war

And he’s nude, dude Scottie Brown
The nudist man in the whole damn town
On the issues he’s wrong
He won’t be in office long

Now Scottie he’s in NAMBLA
And he likes to strip his clothes
And he shows the world his private things
Most everywhere he goes
His senate seat is just a rental
Leased by the Tea Party crew
He better have some fun cuz he’s soon to be done
Massachusetts is too damn Blue

And he’s nude, dude Scottie Brown
The nudist man in the whole damn town
On the issues he’s wrong
He won’t be in office long

Well Friday ‘bout a week ago
Scottie was not nice
He just shouted near and far
About all the horrors
Of health care and the price
Well he blasted dear Obama
That’s when Brown’s trouble began
Scottie Brown learned a lesson
‘Bout messin’ with the likes of a smarter man

And he’s nude, dude Scottie Brown
The nudist man in the whole damn town
On the issues he’s wrong
He won’t be in office long

You see, Scott Brown needs enlightening
He don’t give a damn ‘bout the poor
Scottie Brown’s big mouth should be muzzled
As he’s voted off of the floor

And he’s nude, dude Scottie Brown
The nudist man in the whole damn town
On the issues he’s wrong
He won’t be in office long

And he’s nude, dude Scottie Brown
The nudist man in the whole damn town
On the issues he’s wrong
He won’t be in office long

Yeah, on the issues he’s wrong
He won’t be in office long

Limbaugh Adds To The Atrocious Attacks Against Michelle Obama

The radical right-wing pundits must be at a total loss when it comes to things to be outraged about lately. How else to explain their recent rash of ridiculous rants against First Lady Michelle Obama’s initiative to reduce childhood obesity?

Like many First Ladies before her, Michelle Obama has seized her bully pulpit to help advance a worthy cause. Here are a few examples:

Ellen Wilson: Improving urban housing for blacks and immigrants
Lady Bird Johnson: Re-foresting
Rosalynn Carter: Addressing mental health issues
Nancy Reagan: “Just Say No” campaign against drug abuse
Laura Bush: Encouraging childhood reading

All of those initiatives were worthy of praise and welcomed by the public. Why then have radical right-wing pundits chosen to vilify Michelle Obama’s attempts to reduce childhood obesity which has been scientifically proven to increase adult sickness and disease and consequently pressure the already overburdened health-care system? The answer is simple. She is Michelle Obama, the wife of President Barack Obama. You see, the GOP, the Tea Party and right-wing pundits have a policy of opposing anything and everything proposed by the Obama administration regardless of merit.

Think about that for a moment. In 2009 they criticized Obama for failing to aggressively deal with the Somalian pirates that attacked an American vessel and kidnapped the ship’s captain. The conservatives claimed that Obama was weak on defense. Yet when Obama’s forces killed the pirates and rescued the captain, the right-wing claimed that Obama used excessive force against youthful perpetrators. Teapublicans railed against the 2009 stimulus package which provided billions of dollars to states that were suffering during the worst economic downturn since the great depression. Despite their opposition however, they gladly took credit for the pork that they brought back to their districts when those stimulus funds were delivered. Remember all those Republican governors, representatives and senators posing with those poster-sized checks which bore the ink-mark of the federal government. How about during the health care reform debate when Teapublicans and pundits feigned outrage at (fictitious) cuts to the Medicare program? Have you seen their recent budget proposals which call for massive cuts to both the Medicare and Social Security programs? The tactics of the right are the definition of “hypocrisy”.

Now Michelle Obama is their target. First, it was Sarah Palin that attacked her childhood nutrition initiative. On one episode of her unsuccessful reality television show, Palin was feeding “S’Mores” to her children while camping. The former ex-quitting half-term Governor of Alaska then quipped, “This is in honor of Michelle Obama, who said the other day we should not have dessert.” Nevermind the fact that Obama has never said that children should not have dessert. In fact, at that time Ms. Obama had simply suggested that schools serve healthier lunches to our children. Someone should ask Palin whether she would rather have her children’s schools serve sugar and fat-laden lunches or something more healthy. On second thought, that issue is moot in that Palin’s children seldom attend school.

Next, it was moonbat-crazy Rep. Michele Bachmann (Teapublican-MN) who criticized Ms. Obama. The potential (but doomed) presidential candidate appeared with radical right-wing radio host Laura Ingraham last week and feigned shock that the First Lady would once again advocate on behalf of healthy children. Ms. Obama had just advocated in favor of breast-feeding as a method to reduce childhood obesity. In fact, the IRS even agreed that the cost of nursing supplies that aide in the practice would be tax-deductible. Ms. Obama explained, “We also want to focus on the important touch points in a child’s life. And what we’re learning now is that early intervention is key. Breastfeeding. Kids who are breastfed longer have a lower tendency to be obese.” Her spokeswoman Kristina Schake added, “Breastfeeding is a very personal choice for every woman. We are trying to make it easier for those who choose to do it.”

Sounds reasonable doesn’t it? Ms. Obama would like to encourage mothers to breastfeed their children so that they can potentially cut into the child obesity epidemic and the children can then live healthier adult lives. Furthermore, she would like to make it easier (i.e. less costly) for mothers to continue the practice by means of providing tax relief equal to the cost of the required supplies. A win-win. Healthier children and tax relief! Sounds like a plan right out of the tax-cutting, family-values Tea Party handbook.

Despite the merit of this worthy initiative, Bachmann was horrified. In her typical over-the-top and nonsensical language, Bachmann said that the Obama breastfeeding initiative amounts to a “new definition [of] the nanny state.” She told Ingraham,

“This is very consistent with where the hard left is coming from. For them, government is the answer to every problem. I’ve given birth to five babies and I breast fed every single one of these babies.To think that government has to go out and buy my breast pump for my babies? You wanna talk about the nanny state, I think you just got a new definition.”

There is no question that Michele Bachmann is a crazy person that is not to be taken seriously. But wait, Sarah Palin then took the opportunity to board Bachmann’s crazy-train to koo-koo town. While complaining about inflation, she said: “No wonder Michelle Obama is telling everybody you better breast feed your babies. I’m looking and say, ‘Yeah, you better because the price of milk is so high right now’.”

Now batting, Rush Limbaugh. CNN reports, “Michelle Obama is taking heat from talk-radio host Rush Limbaugh after a report in the Vail Daily that she consumed a not-so-healthy-meal of ribs for dinner while on a recent visit to the Colorado resort, the latest example of conservative angst directed at the first lady’s healthy-eating initiative.”

“The problem is, and dare I say this, it doesn’t look like Michelle Obama follows her own nutritionary, dietary advice,” Limbaugh said Monday on his radio program. “And then we hear that she’s out eating ribs at 1,500 calories a serving with 141 grams of fat per serving. She is a hypocrite. Leaders are supposed to be leaders. If we are supposed to go out and eat nothing, if we are supposed to eat roots, berries, and tree bark, show us how.”

The Vail Daily reported Sunday Mrs. Obama dined at the restaurant Kelly Liken in Vail Village, ordering “a pickled pumpkin salad with arugula and a braised ancho-chile short rib with hominy wild mushrooms and sautéed kale.” The first family, minus the president, went to Colorado for a long weekend of skiing.

Once again, these critics fail to mention that Ms. Obama has always said that unhealthy foods are acceptable in moderation. Indeed, at the President’s recent Super-Bowl party, they served bratwurst, kielbasa, cheeseburgers, deep-dish pizza and Buffalo wings with sides of German potato salad, twice-baked potatoes and assorted chips and dips. If they had served “roots, berries, and tree bark”, the radical-right would have complained that the First Family were elitists. There is simply no winning with these morons.

By the way, speaking of hypocrites, wasn’t it Rush Limbaugh that once said this about drug abusers: “These tough sentencing laws were instituted for a reason. The American people, including liberals, demanded them. Don’t you remember the crack cocaine epidemic? Crack babies and out-of-control murder rates? Liberal judges giving the bad guys slaps on the wrist? Finally we got tough, and the crime rate has been falling ever since, so what’s wrong?”

Do you really want to know “what’s wrong” Rush? Well first of all, where was Limbaugh’s voluntary submission to a tough jail sentence when it was revealed that he was an abuser of illegal drugs? Now that is hypocrisy!

What do you say we have another little song parody about Rush Limbaugh’s self-confessed drug addiction? Please remember to click on the song link below to familiarize yourselves with the tune and to have more fun singing along with the parody.

White Rabbit song link:


(sung to the Jefferson Airplane song “White Rabbit”)

One pill makes Rush larger
But no pill makes him small
And the ones that Glenn Beck gives him
Make Rush whimper and then bawl
Go ask Limbaugh
He’s right down the hall

Rush has an addictive habit
And it’s gonna cause his fall
Like a bazooka toting ratings killer
His pills are his last call
Call Limbaugh
As he hits the wall

When Rush starts to get bored
He takes vicodin with some blow
And then he’s off to his dressing room
To prepare for his next show
Go get Limbaugh
A cup of Joe

When logic and proportion
Have escaped from his head
And this “White” Knight is talking backwards
Confusing Blue states with the Red
Remember when Rush takes his meds,
He’s brain dead
He’s brain dead

Lynnrockets’ Presidents’ Day Perceptions

Boston Winter Twilight

Aside from the noteworthy Wisconsin labor protests, the GOP’s threat to shut down the government and the numerous worldwide uprisings, things have been pretty quiet in the political world of late. By that, we mean that there have not been any new salacious stories of Republican misconduct along the lines of John Boehner’s alleged affair with a lobbyist, Todd “First Dude” Palin’s alleged affair with a prostitute, Scott “Centerfold” Brown’s sex abuse or Christopher Lee’s topless Craigslist solicitations for the last few days. Things may heat-up soon however, as Congress takes its week long Presidents’ Day recess. After all, nothing prompts a “family values” conservative politician to participate in scandalous behavior moreso than time-off from work. By the way, why is it that Congress gets a week off for Presidents’ “DAY” while the rest of us are lucky to get the day off?

All that being said, Lynnrockets would like to take this slow news-day opportunity to bring you Rocketeers up to speed on what has been happening up here in Rocketland of late. If you are not out buying a new car, please pour your favorite warm beverage, kick your feet up and linger here a little while.

As I sit here early this morning watching a soft snow fall over the Boston skyline, I am reminded of the winters of my childhood. As I look back to my days as a young boy, I have a vision of winter as being a never-ending snow-filled holiday. My fond, but nostalgia-shaded memories of those late 1960’s/early 1970’s winters are of seasons of daily light snowfall which kept the street-lining snowbanks and drifts a marshmallow-like powdery white and not the black and soot covered glaciers of my adult years. Luckily, this winter season in Boston has reflected those halcyon days. We are on pace to have one of our snowiest seasons on record (global climate change at work?). Consequently, the glistening whiteness has been restored quite regularly. There have been many snow days and this generation of young children has restored my faith a bit as they have somehow torn themselves away from video-games to enjoy sledding and tubing like so many of those before them. Even my canine pal Marley (Weimaraner) seems to relish the endless opportunities to run along the snow-covered beach and bury her snout in her backyard drifts. As I glance out the window of my study this morning and see those slow-falling dime-sized flakes, I try to take a mental snap-shot of the type of New England winter that sometimes only lives in story-books and memories. Who knows how long it will be before we Bostonians are blessed with another season like this? In the meantime, this warm, nostalgic feeling is comforting.

Those of you that may have read this blog for sometime know that I am an avid sports fan. My favorite sport is hockey (that is ice hockey to you Southerners) yet my favorite sports franchise is football’s Green Bay Packers. I am thrilled that they have just won their 13th NFL championship, the most of any franchise. They are the Montreal Canadiens, New York Yankees (boy, I hate to mention them) and Boston Celtics of pro-sports. More impressive than their championships however, is the fact that they hail from the smallest city (pop. 102,313) of any pro-franchise in any sport and they are publicly owned by a group of regular working-class stiffs. There is no billionaire owner (ala Jerry Jones) simply using his vast wealth to buy championships for his team which he treats like a shiny toy. No, the Packers truly are the team of the people. They are the only authentic “America’s Team”. I am even more proud of the players and the franchise after they publicly sided with the rank and file union workers of Wisconsin last week. In a letter directed to union-busting Teapublican Governor, Scott Walker  they wrote,

We know that it is teamwork on and off the field that makes the Packers and Wisconsin great. As a publicly owned team we wouldn’t have been able to win the Super Bowl without the support of our fans.

It is the same dedication of our public workers every day that makes Wisconsin run. They are the teachers, nurses and child care workers who take care of us and our families. But now in an unprecedented political attack Governor Walker is trying to take away their right to have a voice and bargain at work.

The right to negotiate wages and benefits is a fundamental underpinning of our middle class. When workers join together it serves as a check on corporate power and helps ALL workers by raising community standards. Wisconsin’s long-standing tradition of allowing public sector workers to have a voice on the job has worked for the state since the 1930s. It has created greater consistency in the relationship between labor and management and a shared approach to public work.

These public workers are Wisconsin’s champions every single day, and we urge the governor and the State Legislature to not take away their rights.

Let’s hear it for the champions of both the playing-field and the working-class.

As for my favorite sport, it is this late winter period when things pick-up. Presently, my Boston Bruins are in first place in the Northeast Division of the NHL which secures them a third place seed in the Eastern Conference for the time being. This week they acquired highly skilled defenceman Tomas Kaberle from the Toronto Maple Leafs (aka “Make Believes”) in an attempt to gear-up for the playoffs. I can only hope that this move helps them avoid another devastating playoff loss this season. I still have a bad taste in my mouth from last year’s playoff loss to the hated Philadelphia Flyers after having had a 3-0 game advantage and a 3-0 lead in the seventh and deciding game. Yukk!

My former college team, the Bowdoin College Polar Bears have captured the fifth seed in the NESCAC (New England Small College Athletic Conference) playoffs with a 15-7-1 record. They are presently ranked 12th in the Division II/III national rankings. GO U BEARS! By the way, they are called the Polar Bears not because the school is way up north in Maine, but because the men that first traveled to the North Pole, Robert E. Peary (class of 1877) and Robert S. MacMillan (class of 1898) were Bowdoin graduates. It is also interesting to note that the college’s Peary-MacMillan Arctic Museum is the only museum in the United States dedicated completely to Arctic Studies.

My old high-school hockey teams are thriving also. The St. Mary’s (Lynn, MA) Spartans boys hockey team captured the Division I Catholic Central League title with a record of 12-5-3. They are awaiting their seeding for the Division I state tournament which will be announced next Saturday. More impressive than that however is the girls team. The Lady Spartans finished the regular season in first place with a 17-0-3 record and the number one seed in the state tournament. Over the last number of seasons the team has compiled an undefeated streak of 96 games and counting. They have won four Division I state championships since 2005 including the last three in a row and are well on their way to another. Standout goaltender Sarah Foss was featured in Sports illustrated‘s “Faces In The Crowd” last week.

Now, back to Lynnrockets news. Some of you may remember that Lynnrockets won the contest to be the liberal blogger for Boston’s largest talk radio station, WRKO. Indeed, you Rocketeers were instrumental in securing the win by means of your Palinesque stuffing of the ballot box. Well, after a number of meetings with the station brass concerning employment and contract issues, I am pleased to announce that I will be appearing on the station’s website ( beginning on or around March 1, 2011. Please stop by on occasion to say hello. Do not worry, Blast-Off is not going anywhere. This blog will remain my blogging priority.

Lynnrockets wishes all of you a healthy Presidents’ Day! See you tonight or tomorrow with some political commentary as soon as something noteworthy happens.

Please remember to click on the song link below to familiarize yourselves with the tune and to have more fun singing along with today’s rather personal song parody.

I Write The Songs song link:


(sung to the Barry Manilow song “I Write The Songs”)

I sling the jive whenever,
I sit down and scribble a song
I put the words and Republicans together
I love music,
And I love these songs

I write the songs that I hope you folks sing
I write the songs to dethrone G.O.P. kings
I write the songs that expose all their lies
I write the songs, I write the songs

I’m from a state that’s deep blue,
And we make a damned good lobster roll
No, there aren’t many right wing guys
There’s some but then, all of them are very old

I write the songs that attack the right wing
I write the songs that I hope linger and sting
I write the songs that prompt Glenn Beck to cry
I write the songs, I write the songs

Oh, I’ll take a hostile stance
When Limbaugh begins to rave and rant
And I’ll lead you to a poll, he can’t disprove
Palin has no heart,
So, I will tear her life apart
Hannity, Coulter too,
Also, too, O’Reilly
None of them can hide from me !!!

I write the songs about Mark Sanford’s flings
I write the songs about Larry Craig’s stings
I write the songs about Mark Foley’s guys
I write the songs, I write the songs

I write the songs about Joe Wilson’s slings
I write the songs of Vitter’s diapery things
I write the songs about all of those guys
I write the songs, I write the songs

I love music, so I write these songs

Sunday Morning Coffee (or Tea) – 70

Just a few newsworthy items (and comments thereon) that have been making their way through the political universe this past week. Please ponder and maybe chuckle a bit before enjoying a wonderful day!

BREAKING NEWS:  Tea-Baggers will be heading to Wisconsin to stage a counter-protest to the state and local union members who are protesting the Republican governor’s attempt to disenfranchise them of their collective bargaining rights. Lynnrockets cannot wait to see the misspelled signs and incomprehensible slogans.

THIS JUST IN: This week’s episode of “Take That!” features the Obama Administration which rescinded most of a federal regulation designed to protect health workers who refuse to provide care they find objectionable on personal or religious grounds. The Health and Human Services Department eliminated nearly the entire rule put into effect by the administration of President George W. Bush during his final days in office that was widely interpreted as allowing such workers to opt out of a broad range of medical services, such as providing the emergency contraceptive Plan B, treating gay men and lesbians and prescribing birth control to single women.

BREAKING NEWS: Ya gotta love the Green Bay Packers. No, not because the are the current Super Bowl champions and have the most championships of any team in the NFL, but because the publicly owned franchise’s players have signed a letter in support of the AFL-CIO’s efforts to derail Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s plan to cut union bargaining rights. Now that is a professional team you can believe in!

THIS JUST IN: Unfortunately, former whack-job Republican Senate candidate Sharron “2nd Amendment Remedies” Angle has announced that she will not seek the GOP presidential nomination in 2012. With that announcement, Angle has denied many bloggers the opportunity to laugh out loud as they wrote about her campaign. Oh well, we still have Michele Bachmann for the time being.

BREAKING NEWS:  Fox News online comment of the week. Headline:  Facebook Add Support for Same Sex Civil Unions. Comment:  “Eww…It’s disgusting! Im glad I don’t have facebook. Facebook has turn into Sodom and Gomorrah. Facebook praise gays, now. Puke!” How erudite.

THIS JUST IN: Don’t you love it when Barney Frank (D MA) lectures the Republicans on governance? On Thursday, Frank referred to the House Republicans’ draconian budget cuts as an “orgy of self-congratulation”. Let’s watch:

BREAKING NEWS: This week’s episode of “Bushwacked” features who else but former President and torturer in chief, George W. Bush. Bush canceled a trip to Switzerland last week citing security concerns, but international human rights groups were prepared to have him indicted for torture while in the country. The groups maintain that Bush could be indicted if he travels to any of 147 countries that have signed the Convention Against Torture. Looks like Dubya will be trapped like an animal in the cage of the U.S. for some time.

THIS JUST IN: Boston Globe columnist Joan Vennochi brings up an interesting point in this morning’s edition of the newspaper.  She wrote, ” Senator Scott Brown’s {R-MA} revelations about a childhood that included sexual assault by a summer camp counselor are genuinely sympathy-inducing. But, they also make you wonder: in light of this searing experience when he was 10, how could Brown endorse Jeff Perry, the Republican congressional candidate, who, in 1991, allegedly stood by as a 14-year-old girl was sexually assaulted by a fellow police officer? The victim, Lisa Allen, came forward during the race that Perry ultimately lost and said that Perry “had to hear my screaming and crying. Instead of helping me, Jeff Perry denied anything happened.’’’ The other officer however entered a guilty plea and was convicted. Let’s get this straight, the Tea Party favorite Brown suffered at the hands of at least two sexual abusers, yet he still chose political party loyalty over morality when he endorsed a Republican candidate who, despite being a police officer, allegedly stood by and did nothing when a young girl was being sexually molested by his partner. Is that change you can believe in? BTW, Brown will be featured on “60 Minutes” this evening.

BREAKING NEWS: It would not be a complete weekly recap without some mention of Sarah Palin. Thankfully a book written by a former aid of the former ex-quitting half-term Governor of Alaska has been leaked. The author, Frank Bailey alleges therein that Palin hated being governor, festered with petty grievances and broke election laws by coordinating with the Republican Governors Association during her 2006 campaign for governor. The clock is now ticking with regard to how long it will take Palin to respond via either Facebook, Twitter or on Fox News.

THIS JUST IN: On Friday the Republican controlled House voted to defund Planned Parenthood. Do not worry however, because the Senate will never let that fly. Nevertheless, it was the perfect opportunity for Fox NewsGlenn Beck to go on a meritless rant against the organization. Beck spent his entire show yesterday railing against the non-profit. He so far to claim that the organization assists in sex trafficking operations involving underage girls. Honestly, at this point why doesn’t the wacky lunatic blame the Egyptian uprising on Planned parenthood also?

Please click on the song link below to familiarize yourselves with the tune and to have more fun singing along with today’s song parody.

That Smell song clip:


(sung to the Lynyrd Skynyrd song “That Smell”)

Whiskey bottles and drug filled jars
Those were Glenn Beck’s best days
Way too much coke and too much smoke
How does Fox News take pride in you?

Ooh, ooh Beck’s smell
Don’t Glenn smell like hell?
Ooh, ooh Beck’s smell
The smell of Beck surrounds you


Angel of darkness is in our view
He’s a weasel doing harm (you fool, you)
The bloviating bloke, has a show that just blows
Have a drink, fool, you clown, you (hell, yeah)

Ooh, ooh Beck’s smell
Don’t Glenn smell like hell?
Ooh, ooh Beck’s smell
The smell of Beck surrounds you

Righties call Beck prince charming
They take his word as the gospel truth
Yet Glenn Beck’s logic is hollow, and
Fox News just might learn he has no clue (no, clue)

Ooh, ooh Beck’s smell
Don’t Glenn smell like hell?
Ooh, ooh Beck’s smell
The smell of Beck surrounds you

(crying break)

Oh, Glenn Beck’s views
Do nothing else but spread alarm
Beck’s a fear-mongering bore

(Nazi reference break)

Beck has his own little Waterloo

It’s a monkey on his back
Sponsors have split from his racist schticks
One hell of a price and Beck’s show might get nixed (hell, yeah)

Ooh, ooh Beck’s smell
Don’t Glenn smell like hell?
Ooh, ooh Beck’s smell
The smell of Beck surrounds you

Ooh, ooh Beck’s smell
Don’t Glenn smell like hell?
Ooh, ooh Beck’s smell
The smell of Beck surrounds you

Oh, Glenn Beck’s views
Do nothing else but spread alarm
Beck’s just a fool, just a fool, just a fool.

M’Ann Coulter Says Sarah Palin Is More Powerful Than The Presidency

Two Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest

Whenever that guy Ann Coulter opens his mouth something stupid flies out. The absolutely irrelevant right-wing pundit appeared on MSNBC Thursday night and essentially said that Sarah Palin is too powerful to be the President of the United States. He said that he believes that the former ex-quitting half-term Governor of Alaska would win the Republican nomination but,

“I think it would be a step down for her to run for president. It’s like saying Rush Limbaugh should run for president. She’s huge. She has enormous power. She sends out a Twitter on death panels and everyone’s talking about it. I think it would be crazy for her to run for president.”

So let’s get this straight. The Coulter guy believes that there is more power in being a celebrity than being the leader of the free world. Does Coulter believe that Palin and Limbaugh can declare wars and propose national budgets and veto congressional bills also, too? Apparently so. If those are his standards, Coulter should inform the Tea-Baggers that Glenn Beck and Donald Trump should also stay away from the candidates’ podium.

Honestly, does anybody take the Coulter guy seriously anymore?

Please remember to click on the song link below to familiarize yourselves with the tune and to have more fun singing along with today’s song parody.

Band On The Run song link:


(sung to the Paul McCartney and Wings song “Band On The Run”)

Just a boy with no balls, thinking that he’s clever,
Never havin’ no fun nights again, quite true,
Coulter you, Coulter you.

(musical interlude)

Spreading his politics of fear,
Hating you if you’re Black or gay,
Not a hint of veracity,
Does not know any other way
A transsexual without peer.
A transsexual without peer.

Well the rain exploded with a mighty crash when the Coulters had a son,
And before you know it he was growing his hair but he put it in a bun
M’Ann on the run, M’Ann on the run
Coulter had a plan not to be a man. A sex change would be so fun

For the M’Ann on the run, M’Ann on the run, M’Ann on the run, M’Ann on the run,

Next he put mascara on his manly eyes, but he lacked a curvy bum
And as he was singing, he let down his hair. He was having so much fun
M’Ann on the run, M’Ann on the run
Coulter had a plan not to be a man. A sex change would be so fun

Yeah the M’Ann on the run, the M’Ann on the run,
Yeah the M’Ann on the run, M’Ann on the run, M’Ann on the run, M’Ann on the run

Well, Fox News was calling as the right-wing world produced another clown
And the sound he’s making, unbalanced not fair, rumbles through the underground
M’Ann on the run, M’Ann on the run

Always touting “Drudge” and loves to judge
Research reveals this bore

He’s a M’Ann on the run, M’Ann on the run, M’Ann on the run, M’Ann on the run,