Palin To Receive “Just Desserts” For Attacks Against First Lady?

One is smart and one's a tart!

As was revealed last week, three national polls indicate that in a head-to-head match-up against Barack Obama for the 2012 Presidency, Palin would be shellacked. Each of those polls showed Obama winning by double digits with one poll giving him a whopping 22 point advantage. Palin admitted on Friday’s episode of Good Morning America that the poll results were “lousy”.

So what does the “Queen of Quit” do in an attempt to rehabilitate her blemished image? Does she “reload not retreat” and continue with her attacks against the President? Of course not. She now realizes that that tactic is failing. Consequently, the ex-former, quitting, half-term Governor of Alaska has set her sights on a different target. She can’t hurt the President personally, so she has now initiated a cat-fight and turned on his wife, the First Lady. Meow!

Is Palin unaware that Michelle Obama enjoys the highest positive ratings of just about anybody in the public eye? That means that it would be even more difficult to tarnish her public image than that of the President’s. Moreover, Palin has elected to criticize Michelle Obama’s signature public policy mission which is to educate families and children about the negative effects of obesity and help them to choose a more healthy diet. A sane rational person might deduce that the First Lady’s mission is both beneficial to the general health of our nation and wildly popular with parents who must compete on a daily basis with massive corporations touting sugar and fat laden foods that are tantamount to a heart attack in a box. A sane rational person might understand that obesity is pervasive as is evidenced by reality television shows such as “The Biggest Loser”. A sane rational person would also connect the dots and understand that a healthier population would help bring down the skyrocketing costs of medical treatment which are handcuffing our nation. A sane rational person, at the very least, would realize that promoting a healthy diet is not a bad thing. Sarah Palin however, is not a sane rational person.

In a blatant swipe at Ms. Obama in Sunday’s episode of her un-reality television show, “Sarah Palin’s Alaska”, Palin was shown making s’mores and she proclaims the marshmallow and chocolate treat is “in honor of Michelle Obama, who said the other day we should not have dessert.” Of course that is not in any way what the First Lady actually said. Sarah Palin of course, misconstrues the words of others as much as she butchers the English language. Michelle Obama actually said this,

“In the afternoon, there was no way we’d be allowed to lie around the house watching TV. Our parents made us get up and play outside. As I tell my kids, dessert is not a right.”

Once again, a sane rational person would understand that Michelle Obama was simply explaining that tasty desserts should be earned by physical activities which reduce the ill effects of the sugary treats. Once again however, Sarah Palin has demonstrated that she is not a sane rational person.

CNN informs us that this was not not the first time Palin has taken a job at Mrs. Obama over her campaign to discourage fattening foods, especially from public schools. The former vice presidential nominee told conservative talk radio host Laura Ingraham last month that “the first lady cannot trust parents to make decisions for their own children, for their own families in what we should eat.” Palin also hand-delivered cookies to a Pennsylvania school last month before delivering a speech there, saying: “Who should be deciding what I eat? Should it be government or should it be parents? It should be the parents.”

Sarah Palin is a buffoon. After all, what sane rational parent would object to healthy food being fed to their children at public school rather than unhealthy fat-laden foods? Would Palin also object to those school crossing guards on the grounds that, “Who should be deciding when my child crosses the street? Should it be government or should it be parents?” Probably.

In addition to the futility of her attacks against promoting a healthy diet for children, Palin has also been exposed as a hypocrite. Whatever happened to her edict that family members should be “off limits” in the world of political debate? Palin has violated her very own golden rule by attacking the President’s wife. After all, he is the elected official, not Michelle. What would her response be if Barack Obama criticized daughter Bristol’s teen abstinence campaign as “closing the door after the horse has fled the barn”? Would she play the victim card yet again? You betcha!

In honor of the troops, please remember to click on the song link below to familiarize yourselves with the tune and to have more fun singing along with today’s song parody.

Santa Claus Is Coming To Town song link:


(sung to the Patti Page version of “Santa Claus Is Coming To Town”)

Get your wallet out
Wink and blink your eyes
Holler and shout
At protesting guys
Sarah Palin’s coming to town

Your town’s on her list
So you must play nice
And listen to Sarah P.’s advice
Sarah Palin’s coming to town

She’ll fleece you while your sleeping
Your money she will take
She’ll force you to purchase her book
Although the story’s fake

Oh, get your money out
So that you can buy
Can’t be without
Her book full of lies
Sarah Palin’s coming to town

Sarah Palin’s coming to town

Sarah Palin’s coming to town

The crap she serves is heaping
The truth she does forsake
The writing is so bad it’s good
For a laugh you should partake

Sarah Palin’s coming to town

Oh, don’t make Sarah pout
Don’t make Sarah cry
Don’t go without
Her book full of lies
Sarah Palin’s coming to town

Your town’s on her list
So you must play nice
And listen to Sarah P.’s advice
Sarah Palin’s coming to town

The crap she serves is heaping
The truth she does forsake
The writing is so bad it’s good
For a laugh you should partake

Oh, don’t make Sarah pout
Don’t make Sarah cry
Don’t go without
Her book full of lies
Sarah Palin’s coming to town

Posted on December 20, 2010, in Barack Obama, Bristol Palin, Laura Ingraham, Sarah Palin, Songs and tagged , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 17 Comments.

  1. oh that’s fabulous.

    it makes me insane that $P has decided to rip Michelle Obama. Our First Lady is so full of class that Sarah can’t compete. Also, by trying (and hilariously failing) to undermine Mrs. Obama’s message, Sarah’s a threat to national security. I know I’m not the only person who read this:

    Seriously, Sarah. SHUT UP.

  2. She’s not a sane or rational person. With Grifter Granny’s Track/Menard record with her Wasillabilly kids, anyone who takes advice from her on how to raise children or do anything else isn’t sane or rational. “Lying grifters r us.”

  3. Great post! Loved the crossing guard analogy. Ah yes, the Cruchwrap Supreme Queen, with such impeccable parenting skills as the mother of (at least one that we know of) unwed teen mom, a destroyer of public property, a destroyer of private property, and a child who apparently is so smart she never has to attend school is going to enlighten us all. Apparently when SHE enlightens us it’s ok, but if anyone else should dare support or suggest any ideas, well that’s just wrong. If I shake my head any harder I will end up in a neck brace.

  4. Too fat to fight

    From Mission Readiness: “27% of 18-24 year olds are too overweight to join the military. Junk food and the School Lunch Program are to blame. Mission Readiness, a non-partisan group of the military, have asked Congress to pass new, strong nutrition legislation to combat obesity.”

    The most obese, diabetic states? Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, West Virginia, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Kentucky, Arkansas, and North and South Carolina.

    Thank God for our gay “Heroes”!

  5. Unfortunately Rove argued for “attacking the strength,” which here may result in the Half-Term Gordita from Alaska damaging children’s health for her quixotic campaign to be POTUS.

  6. BTW, thanks for not making the caption “fruit tart” as that would have been insulting to both fruit and fruit tarts.

  7. Andrew Sullivan had an interesting chart on his site today. It broke down supporters of Mitt, the quitter, Newt & someone else based on college graduate/non, high-school graduate/non, annual income, and something else.

    Amazingly the quitters supporters were highest in the high-school or less education category, and the lowest income. Now if those pollsters could get people to admit their weight I’d bet big money they’d all fall under the obese heading as well.

    I’m not bashing overweight people — I’ve got 20 lbs to lose. But I pack/packed my girls’ lunches most every day, and try to get them both to eat healthy (though the daughter in college is out of my control these days!). My husband and I decided several months ago to get serious about eating healthy and have done amazingly well at it, lost lots of weight, and found lots of food that tastes good and is good for us. It can be done! I wish that I could convert our neighbors, they’ve got a sweet daughter who is so very overweight, headed to middle school, and therefore years of torment, nevermind the health implications (mom’s a nurse, so I really really don’t get it).

    I’m going with the synopsis here, though, in that the quitter makes herself look worse (hard to believe, but true) by bashing the First Lady. Couldn’t get a rise out of the President and hoping Michelle will take the bait? Not going to happen. That couple is a class act, and she is not worth their time.

    So many issues relating to this little pissing match that the quitter is engaging in — with herself. So many children with health issues, tormented by peers, self-esteem issues, long-term mental, emotional & healthy issues associated with being overweight. Finding ways to foster healthy eating habits is a win-win for everyone. I find the quitter’s actions to be yet another example of her repulsive “if they’re for it, I’m against it…” schtick.

    By the way ————— when oh when will we know about the radio blog?????

    • Sometimes statistics tell the whole story, don’t they?

      • Lynn thank you for the article, it was terrific and no way Snowbilly Grifter is sane or in any way a decent mother.

        SMR, thank you for the link. Amazing. The Snowbilly Grifter is popular among undereducated and obese and that truly sums up what I see every single day right here in Middle Tennessee – the further you get from Music City, USA, the WORSE it gets — lack of education, more obesity.

  8. What an utterly worthless site for utterly worthless people.

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