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Is Mitt Romney Disqualified From Serving As President? (What About His Father?)

This week’s episode of “Republicans Eating Their Own” features likely GOP Presidential nominee Willard M. Romney.

Are you folks familiar with the “Birthers”? Surely you must remember them. They are the folks like once-and-future GOP Presidential candidate Donald Trump, lawyer/dentist/realtor Orly Taitz, nutjob Maricopa County Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio and about 75% of Tea Party members. As you will recall, these folks do not believe that President Barack Obama was born in the United States despite all proof to the contrary and not a scintilla of credible evidence to support their allegation. Indeed, as recently as this week the anti-Obama Birther movement re-emerged when Republican U.S. Rep. Vicky Hartzler (MO) said she “doubts” that the birth certificate produced by President Obama is legitimate.

To their credit however, we have just learned that The Birthers are equal opportunity accusers. The Los Angeles Times reports that a group of minor party candidates and conspiracy theorists have sued California Secretary of State Debra Bowen to demand that she verify and/or address “questions concerning the eligibility” of Mitt Romney to vie for the role of commander in chief. The law suit was commenced by Republican write-in candidate John Albert Dummett, Jr., and Markham Robinson, the chairman of the American Independent Party of California, among other politicians and voters. The U.S. Constitution of course, requires the President to be U.S. born and at least 35 years of age. reports that one Birther explains that Romney’s citizenship is up for debate because his dad was born in Mexico. That is correct, Mitt Romney’s father was born in the Mexican colony that Mitt’s great-grandfather founded after fleeing the United States so he could stay married to Romney’s four great-grandmothers. Folks are now wondering if Mitt was, in fact, born in his father’s foreign homeland.

Of course, this also brings up the the fact that Mitt’s father George Romney was not eligible to serve as President when he ran for the Republican nomination in 1968. Where was all the conservative right-wing outrage then?

We can only wonder if Trump, Taitz, Arpaio and the Tea Baggers will take the same interest in Mitt Romney’s place of birth as they have with that of Barack Obama.

Stay tuned. Same moon-bat channel. Same moon-bat time (obscure 1960’s “Batman” television series reference for those of you under the age of 45).

Please remember to click on the song link below to familiarize yourselves with the tune and to have more fun singing along with today’s song parody.

“The Addams Family” theme song link:


 (sung to the theme song for “The Addams Family”)

They’re creepy and they’re kooky
Four wives is really loopy
They’re out of touch and snooty
The Romney family

They’re house is a museum
Earn millions by per diem
They’re dog, you never see him
The Romney family

(Wall Street)

The Birthers came a callin’
Mitt Romney’s stock is fallin’
He is just so appallin’
The Romney Family

Sunday Morning Coffee (or Tea) – 96

Just a few newsworthy items (and comments thereon) that have been making their way through the political universe this past week but may have escaped your attention. Please ponder and maybe chuckle a bit before enjoying a wonderful day!

BREAKING NEWS:  We had some good news this week. U.S. private employers added 104,000 jobs in October (public sector jobs were diminished by 24,000 as the GOP likes). Also, the national unemployment rate has dropped to 9%. Additionally, average hourly earnings rose.

THIS JUST IN:  We are saddened to learn that the blog known as Palingates has ceased publishing new posts. Palingates was one of the better forums known for exposing the lies and scandals of Sarah Palin. Perhaps the blog played a part in ending Palin’s four year tease about seeking the Presidency. When the former ex-quitting half-term Governor of Alaska announced last month that she would not join the Republican field of candidates, she faded from the public eye and Palingate’s mission was accomplished. The blog’s creator lives on however in a more generalized blog known as “What Time is O’Clock?” which can be found here.

BREAKING NEWS:  It was nice to see the world’s second richest man and one of America’s most famous “job creators” advocating for a Wall Street transaction tax often referred to as “the Robin Hood Tax” as a means to raise funds for the poor. Bill Gates advocated just such a tax at the G20 summit this week. That should provide quite a kick to the Republican hornets’ nest. will the GOP now turn against another successful capitalist as they did with Warren Buffett? of course they will.

THIS JUST IN:  It was nice to see six Democratic Senators (Tom Udall, Michael Bennett, Tom Harkin, Dick Durbin, Chuck Schumer, Sheldon Whitehouse and Jeff Merkely) introduce a constitutional amendment that would effectively overturn the Citizens United case and restore the ability of Congress to properly regulate the campaign finance system. The amendment as filed resolves that both Congress and individual states shall have the power to regulate both the amount of contributions made directly to candidates for elected office and “the amount of expenditures that may be made by, in support of, or in opposition to such candidates.” The bill has little chance of success with all the republican opposition, but it is reassuring to see that at least six elected officials are listening to the 99%.

BREAKING NEWS:  This week’s episode of “It Don’t Get Any Crazier Than This” features Birther Extraordinaire and dentist/realtor/attorney Orly Taitz. The wacky Taitz who has not only had all of her Birther lawsuits thrown out of court, but who also has been personally sanctioned by the courts, has decided to run for the U.S. Senate against Democrat Dianne Feinstein in California. Honestly, where does the Republican Party come up with these nut-job candidates?

THIS JUST IN:  This week’s episode of “He May Be A Flip-Flopper But At Least He Tells The Truth Sometimes” features Mitt Romney. A Romney campaign memo was revealed this week in which the Koch Brothers are described as the “financial engine of the Tea Party.” It is refreshing to finally see a Republican bust the myth that the Tea Party is a grassroots movement.

BREAKING NEWS:  Another example of a sighting of the rare species known as the “truthful Republican” is Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood. The former Republican Congressman and the lone Republican in the Obama Cabinet had this to say about the Republican party and its Tea Party devotees:

“The infrastructure bill would put thousands of people to work, but because of their own personal political feelings against the president, they don’t want to hand him a victory. The crowd that was elected the last time not only came here to do nothing, they also came to put down the president. And the way to put him down is not to give him any kind of opportunity to be successful. Republicans made a decision right after the election—don’t give Obama any victories. The heck with putting people to work, because we can score points.”

THIS JUST IN:  Speaking of the Tea Party, the most recent Time magazine poll reveals an interesting statistic. 54% of Americans say they have a positive view of the Occupy Wall Street movement, while 23% have a negative view. On the other hand, just 27% have a positive view of the Tea Party, while 65% say that movement has had a negative impact on politics.


Please remember to click on the song link below to familiarize yourselves with the tune and to have more fun singing along with today’s song parody.

Piano Man” song link:


(sung to the Billy Joel song “Piano Man”)

It’s nine o’clock on a Saturday
Rand Paul comes marching in
A proud member of the Tea Party
Like so many white racist men

He says, “Boy you know that I’m from Kentucky
And I think that Obama blows
It was sad and back-street how he chastised BP
Just because their damn oil rigs explode”

La la la, di da da
La la, di di da da dum

Sing us a song you Tea-Bagging men
Sing us a song tonight
Give us some patriotic imagery
Tri-corn hats and a wig that’s too tight

Now Sarah Palin is no friend of mine
Thank God she’s not the VP
Yes she looked like a dope every time she misspoke
As McCain claimed she was “mavericky”

She says, “Why does the press keep on grilling me?”
As her smile runs away from her face
“Can’t they see I’m a tabloid-bred superstar,
Though I quit my job in disgrace?”

Oh, la la la, di da da
La la, di da da da dum

Ron Paul is a right-wing apologist
He is anti-gay and pro-life
Grasp of history’s hazy and he’s moon-bat crazy
Ron Paul should be confined for life

And Scott Walker’s union-busting politics
Sparked a recall to get him de-throned
While Mike Huckabee thinks his “down-hominess”
Will coax liberals to leave him alone

Sing us a song you Tea-Bagging men
Sing us a song tonight
Give us some patriotic imagery
Tri-corn hats and a wig that’s too tight

Had a pretty big crowd just last Saturday
With the Tea Baggers dressed in high style
They were at a rally with signs misspelled badly
To express ignorance all the while

And the town common, it looks like a carnival
With the Tea Baggers from far and near
They unload from their cars lots of feathers and tar
As they fan flames of hatred and fear!

Oh, la la la, di da da
La la, di da da da dum

Sing us your song you Tea Bagging men
Sing us your song tonight
Cuz we’re all in the mood for a melody
Sung by folks that are old, dumb and white

(fade into extinction)

Bachmann/Taitz: Tea-Party For Two and Two For Tea-Party

Michele Bachmann (R) MN and Orly Taitz, DDS, Esq., Real Estate Agent – Two Koo-Koo Birds of a feather.

How do the crazies always seem to find each other? And why in the world do they always commemorate the occasion with a photo when they do? These are some of the unanswered questions that have plagued the political world for some time.

Remember the photos of Sarah Palin and Joe the Plumber? How about those of Palin and Michele Bachmann? Palin and Glenn Beck? Bachmann and various Tea-Baggers? Palin and assorted Tea-Baggers? Bachmann and Michelle Malkin? And most recently, Palin and Arizona governor Jan Brewer?

Well, just look above and see the newest crackpot photo to hit the blogosphere. Yup, once again it is Minnesota’s moonbat crazy Republican Rep., Presidential candidate and member of the “Birther” movement, Michele Bachmann and the wackiest “Birther” of them all, Orly Taitz, the dentist/lawyer/real estate agent. Taitz, you might recall is the person who has filed multiple lawsuits seeking to have President Barack Obama removed from office because she alleges he was not born in the United States. Of course all of her lawsuits have been dismissed involuntarily and Taitz has been reprimanded on at least one occasion by the Court.

It appears that the above photo was taken on May 14, 2010 at a luncheon in Irvine, California which was attended by both of the fools. It was almost immediately posted on Taitz’s personal website.

Lynnrockets can’t wait until the Democratic Party starts asking voters to, “Take a look at who Michele Bachmann’s been palling around with?”

Please remember to click on the song link below to familiarize yourselves with the tune and to have more fun singing along with today’s song parody.

Foxy Lady song link:


(sung to the Jimi Hendrix song “Foxy Lady”)


These two, they’re a couple of smart-fakers
But they’re just a couple of hate-mongers

Fox makes them feel at home
Do they have any charm? No!
But they’re on all the time, prime-time
Ooh, Foxy ladies


Palin, she’s just so spiteful and mean
Ooh, Foxy
She makes us wanna get up and scream
And Michele Bachmann now
Has just lost her mind
They’re both just wasting all our precious time
But Fox thinks they’re fine, so fine
Foxy Ladies
They’re so dumb


Yeah, just listen to them drone
As they sound they’re alarms, Whoa
Fox says they are so fine, prime-time
Foxy ladies

They’re just dumb ladies
We’d love to forget ya
Foxy ladies
You’re both no good
Yeah, Foxy
You’re both so dumb
Sour lemonade
You’re spreadin’ fear. Yikes
Night and day on Foxy
Foxy ladies
Foxy ladies

Sunday Morning Coffee (or Tea) – 48

Just a few newsworthy events and comments thereon that have been making their way through the political universe this past week. Please ponder and maybe chuckle a bit before enjoying a wonderful day, but be careful of those eggs!

BREAKING NEWS: John “I’m a Maverick, I’m not a Maverick” McCain apparently missed the memo that Republican candidates are not to align themselves with failed President George W. Bush during the upcoming election season. After President Obama finally extricated the U.S. from the ill conceived Iraq War,  John McCain said,

“Last American combat troops leave Iraq. I think President George W. Bush deserves some credit for victory.”

To paraphrase Ann Richards at the 1988 Democratic National convention, “Poor John. He can’t help it. He was born with his foot in his mouth!”

THIS JUST IN: This week’s episode of “Conservative Republicans Who Actually Have A Clue” features Ted Olson, former George W. Bush solicitor general. He is also the attorney behind the case against California’s gay marriage ban, and husband of a woman who died aboard the plane that crashed into the Pentagon on 9/11. Last week he said that President Obama was right about his analysis of the “Ground Zero Mosque” as a constitutional right protected by the First Amendment.

“I do believe that people of all religions have a right to build edifices, or structures, or places of religious worship or study where the community allows them to do it under zoning laws and that sort of thing, and that we don’t want to turn an act of hate against us by extremists into an act of intolerance for people of religious faith. And I don’t think it should be a political issue. It shouldn’t be a Republican or Democratic issue, either. I believe Gov. Christie from New Jersey said it well, that this should not be in that political, partisan marketplace.”

BREAKING NEWS: Nevada’s Republican candidate for U.S. Senate, Sharron Angle is a crazy, disturbed religious zealot. This member of Sarah Palin’s “Mama Grizzlies” in 1992 campaigned against a high school football team donning black jerseys on the religious grounds that black as a color was thoroughly evil, invoking the supernatural and especially the devil . ‘Nuff said.

THIS JUST IN: This week’s episode of “The Conservative Supreme Court Finally Gets One Right” stars Orly Taitz. The famed dentist/realtor/lawyer/Birther’s  $20,000 fine for filing frivolous lawsuits attempting to establish that President Barack Obama was not born in the U.S. was just upheld by the Supreme Court. Can we finally put the Birthers out to pasture?

BREAKING NEWS: In case you missed it, Newscorp, the parent company of Fox News donated $ 1 million to the Republican Governors Association. In comparison, it gave $ 48,000.00 to Democrats. Now if that is not “Fair and Balanced”, then what is?

THIS JUST IN: This week’s episode of ” Do Unto Others…” features the ironically named Dove World Church — whose pastor, Terry Jones, has written a book called “Islam Is Of The Devil,” which is also emblazoned on a sign outside the institution. The radically conservative church is planning to host “International Burn A Quran Day” on September 11th in Gainesville, Florida. How is that for tolerance? Gee, I wonder what their position is concerning the planned New York City mosque?

BREAKING NEWS: Americans United For Change has gone on the attack against conservative Republicans John Boehner (pronounced BO-ner), Paul Ryan and moonbat crazy Michele Bachmann. They have released a video ad which exposes the trio’s plan to privatize Social Security. The privatization of Social security is plain stupid on many counts. First of all, how are retired working class individuals supposed to suddenly gain the investment skills required to fund their retirements at a point in their lives when their mental acuity is slowing? Secondly, how do you think most people’s Social Security accounts would have fared as the result of the recent stock crashes? we could go on and on, but let’s watch the ad…

THIS JUST IN: This week’s episode of “Did I Just Defend My Enemy?” co-stars Sarah Palin and Laura Schlessinger. Last week Sarah Palin defended the now disgraced and unemployed Dr. Laura after the radio host was forced to abandon her show as the result of broadcasting the “n-word” 11 times in 5 minutes. Palin lauded Schlessinger and applauded her conduct. But did the former half-term ex-quitting governor of Alaska know that Dr. Laura said this about her in 2008?

“I’m stunned — couldn’t the Republican Party find one competent female with adult children to run for Vice President with McCain? I realize his advisers probably didn’t want a “mature” woman, as the Democrats keep harping on his age. But really, what kind of role model is a woman whose fifth child was recently born with a serious issue, Down syndrome, and then goes back to the job of governor within days of the birth?”

Ouch! That should have left a mark. I guess Palin is just too stupid to conduct any research.

Please remember to click on the song link below to familiarize yourselves with the tune and to have more fun singing along with today’s song parody.

Big Shot song link:


(sung to the Billy Joel song “Big Shot”)

Well, you went off campaigning with ol’ John McCain
With your new G.O.P. purchased clothes
You had that beehive hairstyle on your head
And high heels for your toes
Ooh,, and when you woke up in the mornin’
With your bub-ble burst
And tears pouring out of your eyes
We know “Thanks But No Thanks” was just
Another one of your lies

Because you had to be a big shot, didn’t cha
You had to open up your mouth
You had to be a big shot, didn’t cha
Now your smile’s become a pout
You talked a lot of Reverend Wright
But all you did was scream and shout
You showed us that you’re way too uptight
You tried to be a big shot that night (Ooh oh)

And no one was impressed with your wolf hide dress
Just because you shot the wolves from a plane
And nobody could have really cared less
That you can see the Ukraine
But now you just don’t remember
The dumb things you said
And I’m damn sure you don’t want to know
I’ll give you one hint, Barbie
I think you got plumbed by Joe!

Yes, yes, you had to be a big shot, didn’t cha
You had the SarahPac girls wowed
Your nose was running pig-snot, oh ya
Hockey mom without a doubt
Your interviews were such a sad sight
You’re so much fun to be around
You had to have the front page, bold type
Upstaging McCain most every night, (Ooh oh)

Oh Oh whoa whoa oh, Oh Oh whoa who-oo-oo-oo-ah,
Oh Oh Oh whoa whoa oh, Oh Oh whoa.

Well, it’s no big sin to stick your two cents in
If you’re talking to someone that’s grown
But you’re attacking Levi
Because he was on the Tyra Banks Show
No, no, no, no, no, no

You had to be a big shot, didn’t cha
You had to badmouth that young boy
You had to be a big shot, didn’t cha
Just because you were annoyed
You had to have the last word, that’s right
You know what everything’s about
But still we know that Levi spent nights
Sleeping at your house within your sight, Oh oh

Oh Oh whoa whoa oh, Oh Oh whoa
Big shot…Big shot… Big shot…Mmmm…Big shot…Whoa whoa
Big shot…

Bachmann/Taitz: Tea-Party For Two and Two For Tea-Party

Michele Bachmann (R) MN and Orly Taitz, DDS, Esq.,Real Estate Agent - Two Koo-Koo Birds of a feather.

How do the crazies always seem to find each other? And why in the world do they always commemorate the occasion with a photo when they do? These are some of the unanswered questions that have plagued the political world for some time.

Remember the photos of Sarah Palin and Joe the Plumber? How about those of Palin and Michele Bachmann? Palin and Glenn Beck? Bachmann and various Tea-Baggers? Palin and assorted Tea-Baggers? Bachmann and Michelle Malkin? And most recently, Palin and Arizona governor Jan Brewer? Well, just look above and see the newest crackpot photo to hit the blogosphere. Yup, once again it is Minnesota’s moonbat crazy Republican Senator and member of the “Birther” movement, Michele Bachmann and the wackiest “Birther” of them all, Orly Taitz, the dentist/lawyer/real estate agent. Taitz, you might recall is the person who has filed multiple lawsuits seeking to have President Barack Obama removed from office because she alleges he was not born in the United States. Of course all of her lawsuits have been dismissed involuntarily and Taitz has been reprimanded on at least one occasion by the Court.

It appears that the above photo was taken on May 14, 2010 at a luncheon in Irvine, California which was attended by both of the fools. It was almost immediately posted on Taitz’s personal website.

Please remember to click on the song link below to familiarize yourselves with the tune and to have more fun singing along with today’s song parody.

The Flintstones television theme song link:


(sung to the theme song for television’s “The Flintstones“)

Bachmann. Michele Bachman
A Congresswoman that is bat crazy
She and Sarah Palin
Driving voters from the G.O.P.

She can’t form a sentence that’s complete
Now she’s targeted for big defeat

When you’re Michele Bachmann
You’re just living off the state dime
Endorsing hate crimes
Exposed during prime time

Bachmann. Michele Bachman
Hates Blacks, children and those that are gay
She is clearly brain dead
Can’t seem to get out of her own way

She talks right through the rain, snow and sleet
Every single thought is incomplete

When you’re Michele Bachmann
You’re just living off the state dime
Endorsing hate crimes
Exposed during prime time

Exposed during prime time

Sunday Morning Coffee (or Tea) – 10


BREAKING NEWS:  Orly Taitz, the dentist, real estate agent and attorney has had another of her “birther” lawsuits dismissed. Judge Clay Land of the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Georgia has dismissed Connie Rhodes vs. Thomas D. Macdonald which sought to prove that President Barack Obama is not a natural born American citizen. Additionally, the court deemed the case to be frivolous and threatened Taitz with sanctions should she commence another such action in his court. Let’s hear it for the judge.

THIS JUST INFox News has embarrassed itself once again. This week the Republican voicebox network took out newspaper ads the subject of which was last week’s crazy Tea-Bagger march in Washington D.C. The ads stated, “How did, ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, and CNN miss this story?” Problem is, nobody missed it. All of the major networks covered the event. Fox News simply cannot be trusted to tell the truth. Now Fox, go wash your mouth out with soap.

BREAKING NEWS:  Rush Limbaugh has just jumped back aboard the racism bus. In fact, he now claims that America should go back to racially segregated buses. Speaking about an incident last week in which a white boy was beaten by black boys while on a bus Limbaugh said, “I think the guy’s wrong.  I think not only it was racism, it was justifiable racism. I mean, that’s the lesson we’re being taught here today. Kid shouldn’t have been on the bus anyway. We need segregated buses — it was invading space and stuff. This is Obama’s America.” Do I see an advertiser boycott coming?

THIS JUST IN:  Tammy Bruce was on The O’Reilly Factor last week and said, “But ultimately, it comes down to his inability to govern, and the fact that he seems to have, it seems to me, some malevolence toward this country, which is unabated.” Honestly, Where does Fox find these morons?

BREAKING NEWS:  A Kentucky high school football coach used a school bus to transport 9 of his players to his Baptist Church to be baptized without seeking consent of their parents. The school district took no action because it insisted the trip was voluntary. Now, there is a case of separation of church and state for you. I wonder what that particular school district’s position was concerning Barack Obama’s speech to school children last week?

THIS JUST IN:  A panel of three federal appellate judges, all Republican appointees, has ruled that U.S. citizens who were held without charge during post-9/11 terror investigations can sue then-Attorney General John Ascroft for unlawful imprisonment. The Court ruled that Ashcroft violated the right s of citizens held on material-witness warrants when the government lacked probable cause to arrest them. The Court sai the detention policy was, “repugnant to the Constitution.” Will Fox News‘ Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck report about and condemn these actual U.S. internment camps or will they continue to simply fabricate a rumor that Obama wants internment camps?

BREAKING NEWS:  CNN reports, ” Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee won the Values Voter Summit’s 2012 presidential straw poll Saturday, grabbing nearly 29 percent of the vote in a crowded field.Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin and Indiana Rep. Mike Pence each won roughly 12 percent of the 597 votes cast.” See the rest of the story, here. Poor Sarah Palin.

THIS JUST IN: The $ 63,500.00 question is, “Who is this Cathy Maples of Huntsville, Alabama, the high bidder in the Have Lunch With Sarah Palin auction on Ebay?” Enquiring minds want to know.

Please remember to click on the song link below to familiarize yourselves with the tune and to have more fun singing along to this Sarah Palin song parody also, too.

Wouldn’t It Be Nice song link:–cqAI3IUI


(sung to the Beach Boys song “Wouldn’t It Be Nice”)

Wouldn’t it be nice if Sarah Palin
Represents the brand new G.O.P.
And wouldn’t it be nice if daughter Bristol
Becomes the face of teen abstinency

You know that truth can be stranger than fiction
But this grabs me just like a drug addiction

Wouldn’t it be nice if Sarah Palin
Is the Red State candidate anew
The Democrats will win the next election
Then to Sarah, we can bid adieu

And though she’ll feel that life is such a bummer
She can spend her time with Joe the Plumber
Wouldn’t it be nice

Maybe if we think and wish and hope and pray it might come true
Sarah then could find a periodical to subscribe to
She could be learning
Instead of book burning

Wouldn’t it be nice

(bah ba ba ba ba ba bah)
(bah ba ba ba ba ba bah)

You know the more it seems we sing about it
It only makes it worse to live without it
So let’s sing about it
Wouldn’t it be nice

(bah ba ba ba ba ba bah)
(bah ba ba ba ba ba bah)
(bah ba ba ba ba ba bah)
(bah ba ba ba ba ba bah)