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The Self-Induced Implosion Of Sarah Palin

Every once in a while a blog author has an idea for a posting but realizes that somebody else has already made the point in a much more succinct, pointed and interesting way than the blogger could have achieved. Such is the case today. Lynnrockets intended to add a chapter to the seemingly endless anthology of Sarah Palin’s journey into irrelevance. He then discovered this gem written by Steve Chapman and published in the Chicago Tribune as “Sarah Palin’s self destruction”. Please read, enjoy and visit the home of the article here.

“Back when boxer Evander Holyfield was in his prime, SportsCenter had a humorous spot in which he was informed that an ESPN anchor had ranked him “the 50th best heavyweight.” Holyfield, shocked, asked: “In the world?” No. “In Georgia.”

That sounds like Sarah Palin’s new plight. She’s running fifth in the 2012 presidential polls, and that’s just among Republicans. Sixty percent of Americans view her “very unfavorably.” She’s getting close to being politically radioactive.

How could such a star burn out so fast? Two reasons: She started out with a lot to learn about national and international affairs, and she didn’t bother. And she’s got a mean streak.

Listening to Palin talk about anything complex brings to mind when the Miss Teen USA contestant was asked about American ignorance of geography — stringing empty phrases together in a vain attempt to sound knowledgeable.

Worse was Palin’s reaction to criticism of her inflammatory rhetoric after the shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, when she accused detractors of “blood libel.” It was clear then that Palin is drunk on her own anger, self-regard and sense of victimization.

Those are not the qualities we look for in a president. And even if we did, Palin would find Charlie Sheen tough to beat.”

I honestly admit that I could not have written a better summary of the decline and fall of the Palin Empire. Great work, Mr. Chapman. Bravo!

Please take at a look at my WRKO Boston talk radio-based blog also, too. It can be found here: Kevin’s Blog-A Liberal Dose of Reality.

Remember to click on the song link below to familiarize yourselves with the tune and to have more fun singing along with today’s topical song parody.

Lady Madonna song link:


(sung to The Beatles song “Lady Madonna”)

Hey, Primadonna, children at your feet
You and John McCain went down in defeat
Poor Sarah honey’s, capital is spent
When she spoke nobody knew what she meant

Some might say your family are all fruitcakes
Tenure in Alaska is now done
Kids of your’s sure missed a lot of school days
Campaigning’s fun

Hey, Primadonna, we are not impressed
An ex-head of state so sluttily dressed
Duh, duh, duh, duh…
Duh, duh, duh, duh…
Obama won

Hey Primadonna, beehive on your head
Has it sunk in yet that your future is dead?

When you speak your words are never-ending
Voters feel that you are really dumb
Your next job will likely be bartending
You are a bum

Hey Primadonna, you can’t take the heat
You were punked by the liberal elite

Sunday Morning Coffee (or Tea) – 68

Just a few newsworthy items (and comments thereon) that have been making their way through the political universe this past week. Please ponder and maybe chuckle a bit before enjoying a wonderful day!

BREAKING NEWS: Talking Points Memo (TPM) reports that a group of Senate Democrats has identified the new Tea Party caucuses in the House and Senate as existential threats to Social Security, and are aligning to create a bulwark against them. They’re pressing President Obama to re-engage and get on their side of the issue, and they have some muscle in the form of their message guru, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY). He said,  “We’re not crying wolf here, this is a serious movement to undo the most successful government program in the 20th century.” Why does it not surprise Lynnrockets that the Tea Party would be behind such a move?

THIS JUST IN: Is it just me, or is anyone else skeptical about the recent report that concludes that the 5000 birds that fell dead from sky in Arkansas died from blunt force trauma? What on God’s green earth did all 5000 birds get hit by all at the same time? The moon? Come on, there has to be a better explanation than that.

BREAKING NEWS: Is it a surprise to anyone that moonbat-crazy Michele Bachmann (R-MN) who insisted throughout last year’s campaign season that Republicans must focus on jobs, has just suggested in a list of proposed spending cuts that the government “eliminate federal job training programs”? You simply cannot believe one word that emanates from this crackpot’s mouth.

THIS JUST IN: Does anybody else out there like to live vicariously through Charlie Sheen?

BREAKING NEWS: This week’s episode of “What A Bust!” features the Tea Party Caucus. The first meeting of the Senate Tea Party Caucus on Thursday attracted just four senators — out of 47 GOP members — willing to describe themselves as members. Even Tea Party star Marco Rubio avoided the event. Let’s face it, no sane person would want to hitch their boxcar to that crazy-train.

THIS JUST IN: In his State of the Union response, Paul Ryan (R-WI) had this to say about Social security, “This is a future in which we will transform our social safety net into a hammock, which lulls able-bodied people into lives of complacency and dependency.” What Mr. Ryan failed to tell the American people however, was that he personally collected Social security death benefits after his father passed away and used them to pay for his college education. Hmm, looks like somebody has some ‘splainin’ to do.

BREAKING NEWS: Fox News Comment of the week. In response to the Fox News headline, “California Neighbors Irate Over Nazi Flag in Window”. Website comment: “Is this any worse than all the Mexican flags I see on Cinco De Mayo?”

THIS JUST IN: Just when you thought that the potential list of whackos competing for the 2012 G.O.P. Presidential nomination could not get any weirder, along comes Sharron “2nd Amendment Remedies” Angle. When asked by an Iowa reporter if she planned to run, she responded, “I’ll just say I have lots of options for the future, and I’m investigating all my options.” Good grief!

BREAKING NEWS: It was refreshing to see Politicususa report this week that Glenn Beck’s ratings have dropped nearly 50% over the last year – he’s lost almost 500,000 viewers a night since November. It would appear that even the under-educated and misinformed Fox News audience is fed up with listening to Beck predict things that never happen or rant about wildly imagined conspiracy theories. They may finally even realize that Beck appears to be having some sort of nervous breakdown before their very eyes. Whatever the underlying reason, like his sponsors, his audience is now leaving in droves.

Speaking of Glenn Beck, please remember to click on the song link below to familiarize yourselves with the tune and to have more fun singing along with today’s topical song parody.

Desperado song link:


(sung to the Eagles song “Desperado”)

Desperado, you better come to your senses
Your racist offenses, so public now
Oh, you’re a hard one
But this will be your last season
The Fox boys are teasin’ you
Your show’s all done now

After your unseemly cryin’, boy
We knew you were unstable
We have all seen you fall apart on your set

Now it seems to me, you don’t bring
One sane sentence to the table
But what could one expect from crazy Glenn Beck

Desperado, you better fetch that old plunger
You’ll soon be flushed under that porcelain throne
Your kingdom, your kingdom fell and it’s not all that shocking
You just kept on talking till you were all alone

Will your deep dark soul hibernate in slime?
Your name, Glenn Beck, constitutes a crime
As does most everything that you say
Your sponsors all fleeing your show
Ain’t it funny as we watch them go away?

Desperado, You’ve shown us all what nonsense is
The prevailing sense is, you only hate
Your tears are rainin’, cuz you know nobody loves you
The Lord in Heaven up above you
(heaven up above you)
The Lord in Heaven up above you will decide your fate

Sunday Morning Coffee (or Tea) – 24

Just a few noteworthy news stories and comments thereon that have been orbiting the galaxies this past week.

BREAKING NEWS: There was an interesting moment on MSNBC’s Hardball With Chris Matthews this week. The guest was Republican strategist Todd Harris. He was asked by Matthews to name just one thing that the Republican party has done for the country in the last 15 to 20 years. He could not come up with one thing.

MATTHEWS: I just wanted to get the Republican bragging points straight here. So the Republican Party has kept us safe, except for 9/11. Is that the argument? No, really, because you had the worst attack on the American homeland in history, but you`re bragging about your ability to defend the country because you say — you defended America, except for 9/11. That`s your defense, right?

HARRIS: Look, Chris…

MATTHEWS: That`s the bragging point of the Republican Party for the last — I asked you to name one thing they`ve done for this country in 15 to 20 years. I`ll keep going back further. And you`re having a hard time giving me an answer. What has the Republican Party…

HARRIS: No, no. I`m…

MATTHEWS: … done for the country?

HARRIS: I`m not…

MATTHEWS: I`m just — it`s a good question.

HARRIS: Chris, I`m not having…

MCMAHON: Squandered the surplus.

HARRIS: … a hard time giving you an answer.

MCMAHON: Don`t forget, squandered the surplus.

HARRIS: When I decide to write a book about the history of the last 20 years of the Republican Party, I`ll be happy to talk to you about that.

MATTHEWS: No, just give me one…

HARRIS: My job is to win elections — my job is to…

MATTHEWS: Just give me one.

HARRIS: … win elections in 2010.


HARRIS: And I`m going to keep my eye on the ball.

MCMAHON: He doesn`t have one. He doesn`t have one!

Yikes. Harris provided a whole lotta nuthin’.

THIS JUST IN: John Michael Farren, who served as deputy legal counsel to President George W. Bush, has been charged with strangulation and attempted murder after allegedly choking his wife and beating her with a flashlight. It is believed that Farren felt pressure to one-up Dick Cheney’s crime of shooting his friend in the face.

BREAKING NEWS: If the mainstream media is truly liberal, it has done a good job of hiding that fact this week. Most every televised news program at some point this week drew attention to Democratic Party Senators Chris Dodd and Byron Dorgan’s announced retirements and concluded that the party is in real trouble because of the number of vacated seats. The problem is that the media has failed to report the true facts. Those facts are that the Republicans have six Senate incumbents that are not seeking re-election (compared to the two aforementioned Democrats) and fourteen House members doing the same (compared to ten Democrats). Final score: Republicans vacating twenty congressional seats and Democrats vacating twelve. Looks like the Republicans have some real trouble of their own.

THIS JUST IN: Would someone please tell Liz Cheney that nobody cares what she has to say. This week the daughter of the former face-shooter in chief, Dick Cheney decided that she should give her opinion on how the Obama administration should handle terrorism. She should be reminded that she has absolutely no qualifications to comment on that subject.  She would be better served by accompanying the Bush twins on the party scene. Then again, she is probably not very fun to be around.

BREAKING NEWS: This week’s edition of “Republicans Eating Their Young” features Republican National Committee chairman Michael Steele and wealthy Republican contributors. It appears that the contributors’ lack of faith in Steele is manifesting itself in a dearth of contributions to the RNC. Steele has responded to his Republican critics as follows in an ABC interview:

I’m telling them and I’m looking them in the eye and say I’ve had enough of it. If you don’t want me in the job, fire me. But until then, shut up. Get with the program or get out of the way.

Sounds like the Republican Party is in need of an intervention.

THIS JUST IN: Does anyone else find it a little ironic that although Hanes has terminated actor Charlie Sheen from his endorsement contract as the result of his pending spousal abuse charges, the underwear manufacturer continues to sell “wife-beater” undershirts?

BREAKING NEWS: This week’s edition of “Don’t Sugar Coat It, Go Ahead And Tell Us How You Really Feel” features Andrew Sullivan of The who says of Sarah Palin,

But it became almost immediately clear that she knew nothing about anything, had a private life that you usually see hashed out on Judge Judy, covered up her total lack of governing competence with so many lies they were hard to keep track of, and had next-to-no knowledge of any domestic or foreign policy issues, including energy. Isn’t that enough to regard her nomination as a total farce, the biggest insult ever delivered to voters since … well, Dan Quayle, who was far more informed, smart and serious than Palin ever was.

The idea that this person was qualified to run a country in one of its most serious crises, economically and militarily, beggars belief. The recklessness it revealed in McCain showed that he too was simply unqualified for high office, gambling with the core security of the US for cheap tactical advantage.

THIS JUST IN: Vice President Joe O’Biden says to the unemployed Sarah Palin, “Stay away from me lucky charms!” More on the sorry former ex-quitting governor of Alaska tonight on 60 Minutes which will feature a scathing synopsis of the 2008 Palin campaign by McCain campaign official Steve Schmidt.

BREAKING NEWS: This week’s edition of “We Can’t Seem To Get Our Heads Out Of Our Asses” features those dimwitted curmudgeons known as Tea-Baggers. In December 2009, the group known as “Tea Party Support” announced the it would be sponsoring the National Conservative Symposium from January 22 – 24 in San Antonio, Texas. The speaker lineup included Sarah Palin, Sean Hannity, Michelle Malkin and Laura Ingraham. The event was reported to be a symposium for “true” conservatives and would compete directly with the more celebrated annual CPAC conference which Palin has elected to shun. The price for attendance at the Tea Party event was announced to be $ 749.00.

Unfortunately, the group ran into a little trouble on the way to Texas. The event has now been canceled with no reason for cancellation announced by the group. This is noteworthy because it is the first event that has quit on Sarah Palin before she could quit on it. The cancellation also marks the most recent disaster of the Tea-Bagging campaign. Their “Die-In” event in Washington last December was remarkable only for its lack of attendance and they cannot seem to define what the heck their planned January 20th “strike” or “boycott” is supposed to be. Somebody better read their tea leaves and soon.

OOPS, ALMOST FORGOT: Here We Go Packers, Here We Go !!!

THIS JUST IN: This week’s edition of “Honesty Impaired Fox News Hosts” features Sean “The Cowardly Waterboarding Evader” Hannity. His most recent lie is that the CIA is diverting counter terrorism resources in an attempt to prove the existence of global warming. Hannity said,

The CIA director redirects manpower to monitor climate change, but is it all the cost — at the cost of our security, your security, your family’s security? In the wake of the attempted Christmas Day terror attack, you would think the spies at the CIA, that they would have their hands full securing America. But, believe it or not, assets at Langley are being used for other projects.

Hannity then quoted a National Center For Public Policy Research (NCPPR) press release which said,

As terrorists continue to infiltrate America, the Obama Administration is tasking some of our nation’s most elite intelligence-gathering agencies to divert their resources to environmental scientists researching global warming.

Of course Hannity failed to disclose that the NCPPR is sponsored and funded by the global warming denying Exxon Oil Company. Additionally, he failed to provide the CIA’s response to the ridiculous claim which is,

The monitoring program has little or no impact on regular intelligence gathering, federal officials said, but instead releases secret information already collected or takes advantage of opportunities to record environmental data when classified sensors are otherwise idle or passing over wilderness.

That is OK Mr. Hannity. Do not let the facts get in the way of a good lie. You just go on living in your Faux News fantasy world.

Please remember to click on the song link below to familiarize yourselves with the tune and to have more fun singing along with today’s song parody.

Dear Mr. Fantasy song link:


(sung to the Traffic song “Dear, Mr. Fantasy”)

Dear, Mr. Hannity you are a goon
Some even say you are daffy
Your nightly show is just like a cartoon
Hit that bong, chug that jar
Getting happy
You are the one that just makes us all laugh
Unlike Glenn Beck, you don’t go to tears
You should be sad that you do not have your gonads
You could face waterboarding fears

Oooo Ahhhhh
Oooo Ahhhhh
Oooo Ahhhhh
Oooo Ahhhhh Ahhhhh

Dear Mr. Hannity you’re no Brit Hume
Although, he too is unhappy
Insanity prevails throughout Fox News
Always wrong, that you are
Oh so crappy
Yeah, yeah

(musical interlude)

Dear Mr. Hannity  go back to your room
That would just make us all happy
Do anything, take us out of our gloom
Sing a song, play guitar
Make it snappy
We all just watch you to have a good laugh
We haven’t laughed so hard in ten years
You are one sad excuse for a real college grad
Just like all of your poor Fox News peers