Daily Archives: April 3, 2011

Sunday Morning Coffee (or Tea) – 75

BREAKING NEWS: Vermont’s Democratic Gov. Peter Shumlin unveiled his plan for a publicly funded single-payer healthcare system, which was introduced into the state’s legislature. If enacted, which appears likely, it will be the first system of its kind in the United States and Vermont would become the first state to abolish most forms of private health insurance. Can I have an “Amen”?

THIS JUST IN: This week’s episode of “It’s Tough To Live On $174,000.00” features newly elected Republican Rep. Sean Duffy of Wisconsin. The former reality television star (MTV’s The Real World) was caught on tape fretting about how difficult it is to live on his taxpayer funded salary of $174,000.00 while the average Wisconsinite makes less than one third of that. He said,

I can guarantee you, or most of you, I guarantee that I have more debt than all of you. With 6 kids, I still pay off my student loans. I still pay my mortgage. I drive a used minivan. If you think I’m living high on the hog, I’ve got one paycheck. So I struggle to meet my bills right now. Would it be easier for me if I get more paychecks? Maybe, but at this point I’m not living high on the hog.

It seems as if conservative Sean Duffy actually knows very little about The Real World after-all.

BREAKING NEWS: A new CNN poll reveals that 47 percent of Americans say they see the Tea Party in an unfavorable light. So stuff that in your tri-cornered hat, you Tea Baggers.

THIS JUST IN: This week’s episode of “Throw The Bums Out” stars Wisconsin Republican state senator Dan Kapanke. More than the required 15,000 signatures to initiate a recall election have been collected and the petition was filed last week. Wisconsin Democrats are confident that they will have the required signatures to recall 7 more Republican state senators by next week. If as few as three of the targeted senators are defeated in recall elections this summer, the Wisconsin Senate will shift from Republican to Democratic. Good work Wisconsinites!

BREAKING NEWS: This week’s episode of “Are Republicans Really That Dumb?” features Rep. Tom Marino (R-PA). While criticizing the Obama administration’s activity in Libya last Tuesday, the geographically-challenged freshman lawmaker said, “Where does it stop? Do we go into Africa next?” ‘Nuff said.

THIS JUST IN: This week’s episode of “Fox News Apprentice” features Donald Trump. It was announced last Friday that “The Donald” has landed a regular gig on the Republican Propaganda Network. The potential presidential candidate and four-time bankruptcy debtor will be featured in a regular weekly segment on the morning show Fox and Friends. The segment will be called, “Monday Mornings With Trump“. Good Grief!

BREAKING NEWS: Fox News Comment of the week. Headline: “Latino Communities Angered Obama Hasn’t Stopped Deportations”. Reader Comment: “F – each and every one of you non-english speaking parasitical beaners”. Wow, how’s that for a reasoned response from a member of Fox Nation?

THIS JUST IN: It simply would not be a complete weekly re-cap without mention of Sarah Palin. CNN reports that “Former Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura says Sarah Palin will be the GOP nominee for president in 2012, and she’ll “be controlled by the status quo.”‘ What? Ventura believes that the former ex-quitting half-term Governor of Alaska will simply “go with the flow”? He better prepared for a Facebook “smack-down” in the next day or two. But wait, didn’t the mama grizzly say just last week that she would no longer allow herself to be baited into a knee-jerk public response every time that she feels slighted? Looks like this will be the first test of her newborn self-restraint.

In honor of the troops, please remember to click on the song link below to familiarize yourselves with the tune and to have more fun singing along with today’s song parody.

Georgie Girl song link:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bf8O1whEH5s


(sung to the Seekers song “Georgie Girl”)

Hey there, Sarah Girl
Are you G.O.P. or Tea Party?
It’s so clear to see that you must be the loneliest bear
You lie too

Hey there, Palin Girl
Why do Fox News boys think you’re so fly?
Could it be that they are high, or is it the clothes you wear?

You’re always Red State hopping and talking “death panel” lies
You’ll get nowhere by winking your eyes
You little twit

Hey there, Sarah Girl
Is that Hannity right by your side?
You both have a lot to hide and how very strange is he?
And can you see Putin, Sarah Girl?

(Facebook break)

Hey there, Palin Girl
Scheming up a way to earn a fee
No sense of reality, from it you can’t run away

Your fenced in lair’s been changing and you’re a strange thing yourself
And all you care about is your wealth
You little twit

Hey there, Sarah Girl
Is it with Glenn Beck that you confide?
Do you talk about Levi and what a pest he will be?
The world will see the true Palin Girl

Wake up Sarah Girl
Come on, Sarah Girl
Wake up Sarah girl