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Mitt(wit) Romney’s Immigration Response: Flip or Flop or ?

What does Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney have in store for us regarding President Barack Obama’s recent policy directive ending most deportations of the children of illegal immigrants? Will Romney’s response be a flip, a flop or yet a new position altogether? All three of these options are most likely on the table inasmuch as the Mitt(wit) has already shamelessly flip-flopped regarding his stance his stance on immigration.

In 2007, Mitt Romney supported the McCain-Kennedy immigration reform tactic that provided a pathway to citizenship for those who entered the United states illegally. During an appearance on “Meet The Press” on December 16, 2007, he said, “My view is consistent with what you saw in the Lowell Sun is that those people who have come here illegally and are in this country, the 12 million or so that are here illegally, should be able to sign up for permanent residency or citizenship.”

Yet later in 2011 Mitt(wit) flip-flopped on his stated immigration policy position. On November 11, 2011 during a Republican Primary debate, Romney said, “To say that we’re going to say to the people who have come here illegally that now you’re all going to get to stay, or some large number are going to get to stay and become permanent residents of the United States, that will only encourage more people to do the same thing. People respond to incentives. And if you can become a permanent resident of the United States by coming here illegally, you’ll do so.”

If, as the saying goes, “a picture is worth a thousand words, then surely a video is worth a million pictures, so let’s watch Mitt Romney actually verbalizing his immigration flip-flop:

Of course those flip flops pre-dated President Obama’s immigration announcement last week. Last Sunday on “Face The Nation”, host Bob Schieffer asked Romney three times whether he would repeal Obama’s directive as president. As for Romney’s answer, The Huffington Post reports, “The first time, Romney ignored the question. The second time, he said it would be a non-issue because he would be able to pass long-term immigration reform through Congress quickly — something that President George W. Bush was unable to do, in large part because of opposition from his own party….On Schieffer’s third try, Romney went only so far as to say he’d consider repealing it. “We’ll look at that setting as we reach that, but my anticipation is I’d come into office and say we need to get this done, on a long-term basis, not this kind of stop-gap measure.'” How is that for a “none of the above” or “all of the above” or “some of the above” response?

For those of you keeping score at home, here are the rest of Mitt(wit) Romney’s flip-flops:

Abortion: (“abortion should be safe and legal” and “I will preserve and protect a woman’s right to choose”/”I am pro-life);

Support of Ronald Reagan: (“I was an Independent during the time of Reagan-Bush. I’m not trying to return to Reagan -Bush”/ “Ronald Reagan is my hero”);

Gun control: (I support the Brady gun control law. That’s not going to make me the hero of the NRA” and “I have a gun of my own”/”I’m after the NRA’s endorsement” and “I do not personally own a gun”);

Climate change: (“I think the global warming debate is pretty over and recognize the need associated with providing sources which do not generate the heat that is currently provided by fossil fuels” and “I concur that climate change is beginning to have an effect on our natural resources and that now is the time to take action”/”I have to tell you with regards to global warming that that’s something, which you’re right, the scientists haven’t entirely resolved” and “Republicans should never abandon pro-growth conservative principles in an effort to embrace the ideas of Al Gore”);

Don’t Ask Don’t Tell: (“the first of a number of steps that will ultimately lead to gays and lesbians to serve openly and honestly in our nation’s military”/”the last 10 years have convinced me that the policy is working and there is no need to change it”);

Health care law with personal mandates (He signed  the Massachusetts plan with mandates to purchase health into law and said, “If Massachusetts succeeds in implementing it, then that will be a model for the nation. I Like mandates”/ He now opposes the new national health care law with the very same personal mandates and says, “I will repeal Obamacare);

No-tax pledges: (in 2006 he referred to them as “Government by gimmickry”/in 2008 he signed a no tax pledge);

His father with Martin Luther King: (“I saw my father march with Martin Luther King.”/“I did not see it with my own eyes.”);

Minimum wage: (“I think the minimum wage ought to keep pace with inflation.”/“There’s no question raising the minimum wage excessively causes a loss of jobs.” );

Stem cell research: (“I will work and fight for stem cell research.”/“In the end, I became persuaded that the stem-cell debate was grounded in a false premise.”);

Campaign finance limits: (“I would like to have campaign spending limits.”/“The American people should be free to advocate for their candidates and their positions without burdensome limitations.”);

Auto industry bailout: (“I’m going to take burdens off the back of the auto industry.”/”Let Detroit go bankrupt. Detroit needs a turnaround, not a check.”);

Romney’s desire to serve his nation in the military: (“It was not my desire to go off and serve in Vietnam.”/“I longed in many respects to actually be in Vietnam and be representing our country there.”);

Bringing Osama bin Laden to justice: (“It’s not worth moving heaven and earth spending billions of dollars just trying to catch one person.”/“He’s going to pay, and he will die.” );

The bank bailout: (“The TARP program… was nevertheless necessary to keep banks from collapsing in a cascade of failures.” /“When government is… bailing out banks… we have every good reason to be alarmed.”); and

Even his favorite book: (on 4/30/07 he said L. Ron Hubbard’s “Battlefield Earth”/ on 5/1/07 he said “Huckleberry Finn”).

Please remember to click on the song link below to familiarize yourselves with the tune and to have more fun singing along with today’s song parody.

Should I Stay Or Should I Go?” song link:


 (sung to The Clash song “Should I Stay Or Should I Go”)

Romney you’ve got to let us know
Is it “yes” or is it “no”?
Change positions all the time
You know we think you’ve lost your mind
Please Mitt Romney let us know
Is it “yes” or is it “no”?

It’s always tease, tease, tease
Just make your mind-up would you please
You were pro-choice but you went back
And your health plan you now attack
So come on Mitt let us know
Is it “yes” or is it “no”?

Is it “yes” or is it “no” now?
Is it “yes” or is it “no” now?
Mitt you know that you’re in trouble
Cuz your positions more than double
So come on Mitt let us know!

Your indecision’s bugging me
(weird double-talk)
What is  your gun right policy?
(more weird double-talk)
What do you think of amnesty?
(even more weird double-talk)
We just know that you’re really shifty
(yes, even more weird double-talk)
So Mitt Romney you know
(can you believe it, even more weird double-talk)
You should cool it or you should blow!
(here we go again)


Is it “yes” or is it “no” now?
Is it “yes” or is it “no” now?
Mitt you know that you’re in trouble
Cuz your positions more than double
So come on Mitt let us know
Is it “yes” or is it “no”?

Is it “yes” or is it “no” now?
Mitt you know that you’re in trouble
Cuz your positions more than double
So come on Mitt let us know
Is it “yes” or is it “no”?

Mitt Romney Is A Mexican Polygamist

Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney  is a Mexican polygamist who should not be allowed on election ballots unless and until he proves otherwise with official documentation.

Donald Trump should immediately disavow Mitt(wit) Romney in light of the obviously deficient “Certificate of Live Birth” (i.e. short form birth certificate) released by the Romney campaign last week. As we all know by now, a “Certificate of Live Birth” is not satisfactory evidence of one’s birth. We learned this fact of course, from the “Birthers” who said the said the same thing about President Obama’s “Certificate of Live Birth” which he released in 2008. Also, as in the case of Obama, Romney’s “Certificate of Live Birth” reveals that he cannot be a “natural born citizen” because one parent (his father) was born in a foreign country (Mexico). This also proves that Romney’s father should have been thrown out of the 1968 Presidential election (and the country) back in 1968 when he ran for the highest office in the land. Where was the outrage then?

It is of no consequence if Romney protests that the State of Michigan does not release copies of the full “Long Form Birth Certificate” which it claims to have on file. The “Long Form Birth Certificate” is the only document which can be believed. It is obvious that Mitt Romney is hiding something if he refuses to obtain and release the Long Form. Even if Romney does somehow manage to release the Long Form however, it will either have been doctored by Mormons or be completely forged.

We also know that Mitt Romney was born in Mexico on a polygamist commune. This is obvious because Romney’s great-grandfather Miles  Romney led his family south of the border to Mexico to escape imprisonment in the United States for polygamy as he had 5 wives (Miles’ father had 12 wives). Later, Mitt’s grandfather Gaskell Romney was born in a Mexican polygamist commune as was Mitt’s father, George Romney. This means that Mitt Romney also has at least 5 wives but only declares his first sister wife Ann as his legal wife.

It is time for the American people in general and the “Birther” Movement in particular to demand that Mitt Romney be disqualified from holding office as the President of the United States.

Please remember to click on the song link below to familiarize yourselves with the tune and to have more fun singing along with today’s topical song parody. Please enjoy!

The Great Pretender song link:


(sung to The Platters song “The Great Pretender”)

Oh yes, Mitt’s the great pretender
Pretending that he is so swell
His needs are such; he pretends too much
The truth he simply cannot tell

Oh yes, Mitt’s the great pretender
Romney’s true beliefs are unknown
Mitt plays the game; flip-flops without shame
With no firm beliefs of his own

He was pro-choice he had us all believe
But when he faced strife, he switched up to pro-life

Oh yes, Mitt’s the great pretender
His opinion changes by town
Mitt claims to be what he’s not; you see
He wears his deceit like a crown
Romney is a flip-flopping clown

In Mass., health reform was what he achieved
He now says he feels health reform needs repeal

Yes, Mitt’s the great pretender
Just switching positions around
Ol’ Mitt Romney is not what you see
He wears his deceit like a crown
Romney is a flip-flopping clown

Mitt(wit) Romney: The Least Interesting Man In The World

Unfortunately we will be called away today to pay our last respects to two longtime neighbors who have passed away. So as not not to leave you loyal Rocketeers without entertainment however, we have provided some Mitt(wit) Romney audio and video entertainment. Stay bored my friends!

He really did do it:

This is borrowed from Rocketeer BigPete:

A funny parody from the film “Inglorious Bastatrds”:

Getting caught in a lie:

Corporations are people too:

The Ballad of Mitt and Seamus:

Who would vote for this guy?:

See you all on Monday! Until then, be happy, healthy and safe!

Mitt(wit) Romney Hides His Tax Return Again!

Mitt Romney is continuing his flip-flopping ways.

Shortly after announcing his candidacy for President, Republican Mitt Romney declared that he would not release his tax returns for inspection by the electorate (not to mention his opponents and the media). Then, after facing criticism from his GOP opponents and the media, he flip-flopped and said that he would only release tax returns in April when he was the Republican nominee. Unfortunately for the multimillionaire Romney, last week he let it slip that he thinks he only pays a 15% effective tax rate. Inasmuch as the vast number of working/middle class wage earners pay a much higher tax percentage according to the income tax marginal brackets, the heat was turned up on Romney to release his tax returns immediately. Average Americans wanted to know if our tax system is so unfair that the wealthy benefit while the ordinary (not very wealthy) wage earner is penalized. Next it was revealed that Romney stashes tens of millions of dollars in offshore Cayman Island accounts and thereby deprives our nation of tax dollars while less affluent Americans bear the burden of paying their full share of taxes. Consequently, as a result of added pressure, Mitt Romney flip-flopped yet again and decided to release his 2010 and estimated 2011 tax returns.

The returns show that Mitt and Ann Romney, who are worth from $190 million to $250 million, earned $21.7 million in 2010 and paid a 13.9 percent tax rate, lower than that of a person earning $50,000. The 2011 estimates show an income of $20.9 million, with the couple paying a tax rate of 15.4 percent, closer to the estimate that Romney gave but still substantially less than most average Americans pay. The Romneys’ income came entirely from investments, mostly from capital gains, which are taxed at a lower rate than other types of income including wages. We also learned that Romney not only stashed cash in the Cayman Islands, but also in other tax-avoiding venues such as Luxembourg and in those infamous Swiss bank accounts.

During a time when millions of average hard-working Americans are still suffering from the economic meltdown of 2008 and considering the fact that income inequality between the top 1% and the other 99% has been increasing at an astronomical rate, many believe an unfair tax system deserves much blame. Mitt Romney exemplifies the top 1%, and Americans want to see if he benefits from an unfair advantage. The Huffington Post adds that “Over the course of the 2012 primary campaign Romney has made a series of gaffes that have helped create a caricature of the candidate as an aloof plutocrat. He made a flippant $10,000 bet during a televised debate. He emphatically declared to a crowd in Iowa that “corporations are people.” In a statement that has been somewhat taken out of context, Romney declared, “I like being able to fire people who provide services to me.” When announcing that he had an estimated 15 percent tax rate, Romney glossed over the $374,327 he earned in speaking fees as “not very much.”

Did Romney’s release of his 2010 and estimated 2011 tax returns ease the nation’s suspicion of an unfair tax code which benefits the rich while punishing the less affluent? Not at all. It magnified the fact that the rich (who earn virtually all of their income by means of capital gains, dividends and private equity fees) pay a much lower percentage of those earnings in taxes than do average working/middle class Americans (who earn their income via wages) and are taxed at much higher marginal rates. Also, inasmuch as a large number of average wage earners live pay-check to pay-check and have very little excess money to invest, they are barred from taking advantage of the low capital gains and dividend rates that the wealthy enjoy. This state of affairs does not (and should not) sit well with many people.

To add insult to the tax-paying injury of average Americans, Mitt Romney’s proposed tax plan would not increase the tax burden on the super wealthy to level the playing field. Instead of raising the 15% tax on capital gains etc. which Romney and his rich friends pay, Romney’s plan would keep that tax at the present low level but reduce the capital gains tax for middle class Americans to zero. Problem is, inasmuch as most average Americans do not earn very much (if anything) by means of capital gains, they would benefit very little (if at all) from Romney’s plan while the rich would continue to have an unfair advantage. Romney’s tax plan is just smoke and mirrors.

Finally, as the tax filing deadline for 2011 came and went yesterday, we learned that Mitt Romney did not file on time. He flip flopped yet again.  Rather than file on time, he requested an extension through October 2012. What is Romney continuing to hide from the American people? It is unlikely after all, that the extension was requested because Romney’s army of accountants and financial advisers did not have the time to prepare his returns. They were able to prepare and to release the 2011 estimated returns over a month ago. It seems quite comical that the man who claims he can fix the economy cannot manage to file his taxes on time. Thank goodness Romney’s wife has never held a paying job. The extra W-2 would completely baffle Romney and his tax team!


Please remember to click on the song link below to familiarize yourselves with the tune and to have more fun singing along with today’s topical song parody.

Taxman song link:


 (sung to The Beatles song “Taxman”)

Let me tell you
‘Bout Mitt Romney
He just pays 2
While you pay 3

Mitt loves a tax scam
Yeah, Mitt’s the taxman

Fifteen percent
Is much too small
Be thankful that Mitt
Pays at all

Mitt loves a tax scam
Yeah, Mitt’s the taxman

He won’t pay a tax
To fix the street;
Don’t you know that Mitt
Is a tax cheat?
Now that truth’s been told
He’ll face some heat
But if Romney talks
He will be beat
(Tax Scam)

(tax break)

Mitt loves a tax scam
Yeah, Mitt’s the taxman

He hides his pay out there offshore
(Ha Ha Mr. Willard runs)
Cuz Mitt don’t want to pay some more
(Ah Ha! He’s a cheat)
Mitt loves a tax scam
Yeah, Mitt’s the taxman

How Mitt avoids tax rates too high
(Tax Scam)
Declares just pennies with his lies
(Tax Scam)
Mitt loves a tax scam
Yeah, Mitt’s the taxman
And we’re working for no one but he
(Tax Scam)

Is Romney Dishonest, Stupid or Both?

Mitt Romney is a man who is accustomed to having it both ways. He has flip-flopped on issue positions such as abortion, gun rights, immigration and personal mandates for health insurance so frequently that nobody knows what he believes. He is also one of the very privileged top 1% of this nation’s wealth hierarchy who makes substantially more money than 99% of Americans while he pays a tax rate commensurate with someone who earns less than $ 50,000 per year. Mitt(wit) Romney is truly a two-way street.

We got another dose of “Double-Talk Mitt” during last night’s Republican debate in Florida. Moderator Wolf Blitzer asked Romney, “You’ve had an ad running saying that Speaker Gingrich called Spanish – quote – ‘The language of the ghetto.’ What do you mean by that?”

Romney’s answer was one of the most confusing, convoluted, non-responsive bits of gibberish that we have heard in a long time. He said,

“I haven’t seen the ad, so I’m sorry, I don’t get to see all the TV ads. Did he say that? Did you say that? I doubt that’s my ad, but we’ll take a look and find out…Let me ask the speaker a question. Did you say what the ad says or not? I don’t know.”

Unfortunately for Romney, he was not given the opportunity to “take a look and find out”. Blitzer immediately performed a fact-check and informed Romney that “We did double check. It is one of your ads. it’s running here in Florida on the radio and at the end you say (in Spanish) ‘I’m Mitt Romney and I approve this message'”. The crowd then immediately burst into a loud round of “booing” Mitt Romney.

Is Mitt Romney dishonest, stupid or both? Did he intentionally mislead the debate audience when he said, “I doubt that’s my ad”? This seems plausible inasmuch as he obviously took the time to learn how to say in Spanish, “I’m Mitt Romney and I approve this message”. He also had that approval inserted at the end of the ad. Maybe Mitt Romney is just stupid however. Perhaps he agreed to placing his stamp of approval on an ad which he never even took the time to review beforehand. Maybe Romney just has a very poor memory and could not recall producing the ad in question. Whatever the true answer may be, it does not reflect kindly upon a man who wants to be President of the United States of America. Our nation deserves much more from our Chief Executive.

Please remember to click on the song link below to familiarize yourselves with the tune and to have more fun singing along with today’s topical song parody. Please enjoy!

The Great Pretender song link:


(sung to The Platters song “The Great Pretender”)

Oh yes, Mitt’s the great pretender
Pretending that he is so swell
His needs are such; he pretends too much
The truth he simply cannot tell

Oh yes, Mitt’s the great pretender
Romney’s true beliefs are unknown
Mitt plays the game; flip-flops without shame
With no firm beliefs of his own

He was pro-choice he had us all believe
But when he faced strife, he switched up to pro-life

Oh yes, Mitt’s the great pretender
His opinion changes by town
Mitt claims to be what he’s not; you see
He wears his deceit like a crown
Romney is a flip-flopping clown

In Mass., health reform was what he achieved
He now says he feels health reform needs repeal

Yes, Mitt’s the great pretender
Just switching positions around
Ol’ Mitt Romney is not what you see
He wears his deceit like a crown
Romney is a flip-flopping clown

Mitt(wit) Romney and the Taxman

Mitt Romney is continuing his flip-flopping ways.

Shortly after announcing his candidacy for President, Republican Mitt Romney declared that he would not release his tax returns for inspection by the electorate (not to mention his opponents and the media). Then, after facing criticism from his GOP opponents and the media, he flip-flopped and said that he would only release tax returns in April when he was the Republican nominee. Unfortunately for the multimillionaire Romney, last week he let it slip that he thinks he only pays a 15% effective tax rate. Inasmuch as the vast number of working/middle class wage earners pay a much higher tax percentage according to the income tax marginal brackets, the heat was turned up on Romney to release his tax returns immediately. Average Americans wanted to know if our tax system is so unfair that the wealthy benefit while the ordinary (not very wealthy) wage earner is penalized. Next it was revealed that Romney stashes tens of millions of dollars in offshore Cayman Island accounts and thereby deprives our nation of tax dollars while less affluent Americans bear the burden of paying their full share of taxes. Consequently, as a result of added pressure, Mitt Romney flip-flopped yet again and decided to release his 2010 and estimated 2011 tax returns on Tuesday of this week.

The returns show that Mitt and Ann Romney, who are worth from $190 million to $250 million, earned $21.7 million in 2010 and paid a 13.9 percent tax rate, lower than that of a person earning $50,000. The 2011 estimates show an income of $20.9 million, with the couple paying a tax rate of 15.4 percent, closer to the estimate that Romney gave but still substantially less than most average Americans pay. The Romneys’ income came entirely from investments, mostly from capital gains, which are taxed at a lower rate than other types of income including wages. We also learned that Romney not only stashed cash in the Cayman Islands, but also in other tax-avoiding venues such as Luxembourg and in those infamous Swiss bank accounts.

During a time when millions of average hard-working Americans are still suffering from the economic meltdown of 2008 and considering the fact that income inequality between the top 1% and the other 99% has been increasing at an astronomical rate, many believe an unfair tax system deserves much blame. Mitt Romney exemplifies the top 1%, and Americans want to see if he benefits from an unfair advantage. The Huffington Post adds that “Over the course of the 2012 primary campaign Romney has made a series of gaffes that have helped create a caricature of the candidate as an aloof plutocrat. He made a flippant $10,000 bet during a televised debate. He emphatically declared to a crowd in Iowa that “corporations are people.” In a statement that has been somewhat taken out of context, Romney declared, “I like being able to fire people who provide services to me.” When announcing that he had an estimated 15 percent tax rate, Romney glossed over the $374,327 he earned in speaking fees as “not very much.”

Did Romney’s release of his 2010 and estimated 2011 tax returns ease the nation’s suspicion of an unfair tax code which benefits the rich while punishing the less affluent? Not at all. It magnified the fact that the rich (who earn virtually all of their income by means of capital gains, dividends and private equity fees) pay a much lower percentage of those earnings in taxes than do average working/middle class Americans (who earn their income via wages) and are taxed at much higher marginal rates. Also, inasmuch as a large number of average wage earners live pay-check to pay-check and have very little excess money to invest, they are barred from taking advantage of the low capital gains and dividend rates that the wealthy enjoy. This state of affairs does not (and should not) sit well with many people.

To add insult to the tax-paying injury of average Americans, Mitt Romney’s proposed tax plan would not increase the tax burden on the super wealthy to level the playing field. Instead of raising the 15% tax on capital gains etc. which Romney and his rich friends pay, Romney’s plan would keep that tax at the present low level but reduce the capital gains tax for middle class Americans to zero. Problem is, inasmuch as most average Americans do not earn very much (if anything) by means of capital gains, they would benefit very little (if at all) from Romney’s plan while the rich would continue to have an unfair advantage. Romney’s tax plan is just smoke and mirrors.

Please remember to click on the song link below to familiarize yourselves with the tune and to have more fun singing along with today’s topical song parody.

Taxman song link:


 (sung to The Beatles song “Taxman”)

Let me tell you
‘Bout Mitt Romney
He just pays 2
While you pay 3

Mitt loves a tax scam
Yeah, Mitt’s the taxman

Fifteen percent
Is much too small
Be thankful that Mitt
Pays at all

Mitt loves a tax scam
Yeah, Mitt’s the taxman

He won’t pay a tax
To fix the street;
Don’t you know that Mitt
Is a tax cheat?
Now that truth’s been told
He’ll face some heat
But if Romney talks
He will be beat
(Tax Scam)

(tax break)

Mitt loves a tax scam
Yeah, Mitt’s the taxman

He hides his pay out there offshore
(Ha Ha Mr. Willard runs)
Cuz Mitt don’t want to pay some more
(Ah Ha! He’s a cheat)
Mitt loves a tax scam
Yeah, Mitt’s the taxman

How Mitt avoids tax rates too high
(Tax Scam)
Declares just pennies with his lies
(Tax Scam)
Mitt loves a tax scam
Yeah, Mitt’s the taxman
And we’re working for no one but he
(Tax Scam)

Romney Flip-Flops Into New Hampshire Primary

It would appear that Mitt Romney, the once and future GOP candidate for President, is content to allow his moniker as a flip-flopper to continue throughout his campaign. New Hampshire voters should consider his penchant for changing position on most every issue before voting for this contortionist tomorrow in the nation’s first primary election of 2012.

Mitt Romney of course, is the former Republican Massachusetts Governor and failed GOP candidate for President in 2008. He is seeking his party’s presidential nomination once again in 2012. He will however, face a lot of obstacles in attempting to win-over Republican support. The reason? Absolutely nobody understands what he stands for. He is, without doubt, the single biggest flip-flopper that we have ever scene. While Governor of Massachusetts he was in support of safe and legal abortions. He now claims to be staunchly pro-life. While campaigning in Massachusetts, he was a steadfast supporter of gun control regulations. Since then, he has joined the NRA and now claims to support essentially no firearm regulation. While in Massachusetts he favored carbon emission regulations. He now opposes them in any form.

Want more examples? In a 1994 letter to the Log Cabin Republicans, who advocate gay rights, Romney said he was in favor of “gays and lesbians being able to serve openly and honestly” in the military. He now says it would be a mistake to interfere with the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy. In 1994, he advocated a spending limit on congressional elections and the abolition of political action committees. In 2002, he supported public financing of campaigns from a 10 percent tax on private fundraising. Later, Romney said the McCain-Feingold law limiting campaign contributions is an attack on free speech. In a November 2005 interview with the Boston Globe, he described an immigration overhaul advanced by John McCain as “reasonable.” He has since denounced it as an “amnesty plan.”

Of course, the most damaging of all the Mitt Romney flip-flops is his 360 degree reversal on health care reform policy. It is now common knowledge that although Romney is bending over backwards to join in on the Republican mantra of opposing everything about the Democrats’ 2010 health care reform law, he actually enacted a virtually identical plan in Massachusetts when he was governor… and supported or voted for similar federal plans in 1994, 2006, 2008 and 2009. In fact, Mitt Romney was the pioneer of the dreaded “personal mandate” which compels individuals to purchase health insurance and which is so universally hated by conservatives. In support of his personal mandate, Romney once said,

I think there are a number of features in the Massachusetts plan that could inform Washington on ways to improve health care for all Americans. The fact that we were able to get people insured without a government option is a model I think they can learn from.”

Ouch! That is surely going to leave a mark!

Certainly, those examples alone prove that Mitt Romney has the ability to flip-flop on issues more than any other candidate in memory, but he is not finished. This past year Romney has been crisscrossing the nation campaigning and fundraising. At most every speaking appearance, he has criticized President Obama by saying,

“When he took office, the economy was in recession. He made it worse. And he made it last longer.”

Romney has also repeatedly said,

“Today’s unemployment numbers show that we are going backwards, and that is the wrong direction for America. President Obama’s policies made the recession worse and as a result more people are out of work. These unemployment numbers should not be viewed as just statistics — these are real families facing significant economic peril because President Obama has failed to pull us out of this economic downturn. Americans deserve a president who will make job creation his number one priority.”

As reported in The Washington Post, the Associated Press (AP) performed a fact-check on those statements and proved them both to be false. The economy is now growing (and not shrinking like it was in 2009), the Dow is climbing (and no longer in a free-fall like it was in 2009), and the unemployment rate is down almost two full percentage points from where it was in October 2009.

When confronted with the reality that the economy has improved since Obama has been in office, Romney flip-flopped and claimed that he never said otherwise. He matter of factly told NBC producer Sue Kroll,

“I didn’t say that things are worse.”

That was Mitt Romney’s first flip-flop of July 2011, but he wasn’t finished. Back on May 16th, with great fanfare, Mitt Romney announced that he “raised $10.25 million” at a one-day phone-a-thon in Las Vegas. There is no denying that $10 million is a lot of money to raise in only a single day. Problem is, it never happened. When the Romney campaign unofficially released its numbers for fundraising in the 2nd Quarter on July 1st it revealed that the campaign only raised less than $20 million for the entire quarter. That begged the question; if the campaign allegedly raised over $10 million in a single day, how could it raise less than that amount during the entire 90 other days in that quarter? reports, as it turns out, the campaign wasn’t telling the truth. Yesterday, the Los Angeles Times revealed Romney’s “sleight of hand“:

“The former Massachusetts governor’s campaign told reporters in May that he had raised $10 million in a one-day phone-a-thon in Las Vegas. But the amount actually represented pledges gathered earlier and tallied that day, not just funds actually taken in by the campaign.” said, “So the campaign not only didn’t raise $10 million in one day, they didn’t even collect $10 million dollars in pledges in one day. Instead, they ‘tallied’ pledges they received ‘earlier’. The Romney campaign purposely misled the press and the public for their own political advantage.”

Mitt(wit) Romney is more fond of flip=flops than a teenage girl.

Please remember to click on the song link below to familiarize yourselves with the tune and to have more fun singing along with today’s song parody.

Should I Stay Or Should I Go?” song link:


 (sung to The Clash song “Should I Stay Or Should I Go”)

Romney you’ve got to let us know
Is it “yes” or is it “no”?
Change positions all the time
You know we think you’ve lost your mind
Please Mitt Romney let us know
Is it “yes” or is it “no”?

It’s always tease, tease, tease
Just make your mind-up would you please
You were pro-choice but you went back
And your health plan you now attack
So come on Mitt let us know
Is it “yes” or is it “no”?

Is it “yes” or is it “no” now?
Is it “yes” or is it “no” now?
Mitt you know that you’re in trouble
Cuz your positions more than double
So come on Mitt let us know!

Your indecision’s bugging me
(weird double-talk)
What is  your gun right policy?
(more weird double-talk)
What do you think of amnesty?
(even more weird double-talk)
We just know that you’re really shifty
(yes, even more weird double-talk)
So Mitt Romney you know
(can you believe it, even more weird double-talk)
You should cool it or you should blow!
(here we go again)


Is it “yes” or is it “no” now?
Is it “yes” or is it “no” now?
Mitt you know that you’re in trouble
Cuz your positions more than double
So come on Mitt let us know
Is it “yes” or is it “no”?

Is it “yes” or is it “no” now?
Mitt you know that you’re in trouble
Cuz your positions more than double
So come on Mitt let us know
Is it “yes” or is it “no”?

Mitt(Wit) Romney Double-Flip-Flops His Way Into July

It would appear that Mitt Romney, the once and future GOP candidate for President, is content to allow his moniker as a flip-flopper to continue throughout his campaign. In fact, on July 1st he doubled-down on a couple of new flip-flops. The Mitt(Wit) seems willing to sport these summer-season sandals for the foreseeable future.

Mitt Romney of course, is the former Republican Massachusetts Governor and failed GOP candidate for President in 2008. He is seeking his party’s presidential nomination once again in 2012. He will however, face a lot of obstacles in attempting to win-over Republican support. The reason? Absolutely nobody understands what he stands for. He is, without doubt, the single biggest flip-flopper that we have ever scene. While Governor of Massachusetts he was in support of safe and legal abortions. He now claims to be staunchly pro-life. While campaigning in Massachusetts, he was a steadfast supporter of gun control regulations. Since then, he has joined the NRA and now claims to support essentially no firearm regulation. While in Massachusetts he favored carbon emission regulations. He now opposes them in any form.

Want more examples? In a 1994 letter to the Log Cabin Republicans, who advocate gay rights, Romney said he was in favor of “gays and lesbians being able to serve openly and honestly” in the military. He now says it would be a mistake to interfere with the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy. In 1994, he advocated a spending limit on congressional elections and the abolition of political action committees. In 2002, he supported public financing of campaigns from a 10 percent tax on private fundraising. Later, Romney said the McCain-Feingold law limiting campaign contributions is an attack on free speech. In a November 2005 interview with the Boston Globe, he described an immigration overhaul advanced by John McCain as “reasonable.” He has since denounced it as an “amnesty plan.”

Of course, the most damaging of all the Mitt Romney flip-flops is his 360 degree reversal on health care reform policy. It is now common knowledge that although Romney is bending over backwards to join in on the Republican mantra of opposing everything about the Democrats’ 2010 health care reform law, he actually enacted a virtually identical plan in Massachusetts when he was governor… and supported or voted for similar federal plans in 1994, 2006, 2008 and 2009. In fact, Mitt Romney was the pioneer of the dreaded “personal mandate” which compels individuals to purchase health insurance and which is so universally hated by conservatives. In support of his personal mandate, Romney once said,

I think there are a number of features in the Massachusetts plan that could inform Washington on ways to improve health care for all Americans. The fact that we were able to get people insured without a government option is a model I think they can learn from.”

Ouch! That is surely going to leave a mark!

Certainly, those examples alone prove that Mitt Romney has the ability to flip-flop on issues more than any other candidate in memory, but he is not finished. This past year Romney has been crisscrossing the nation campaigning and fundraising. At most every speaking appearance, he has criticized President Obama by saying,

“When he took office, the economy was in recession. He made it worse. And he made it last longer.”

Romney has also repeatedly said,

“Today’s unemployment numbers show that we are going backwards, and that is the wrong direction for America. President Obama’s policies made the recession worse and as a result more people are out of work. These unemployment numbers should not be viewed as just statistics — these are real families facing significant economic peril because President Obama has failed to pull us out of this economic downturn. Americans deserve a president who will make job creation his number one priority.”

As reported in The Washington Post, the Associated Press (AP) performed a fact-check on those statements and proved them both to be false. The economy is now growing (and not shrinking like it was in 2009), the Dow is climbing (and no longer in a free-fall like it was in 2009), and the unemployment rate is down a full percentage point from where it was in October 2009.

When confronted with the reality that the economy has improved since Obama has been in office, Romney flip-flopped and claimed that he never said otherwise. He matter of factly told NBC producer Sue Kroll,

“I didn’t say that things are worse.”

That was Mitt Romney’s first flip-flop of July 2011, but he wasn’t finished. Back on May 16th, with great fanfare, Mitt Romney announced that he “raised $10.25 million” at a one-day phone-a-thon in Las Vegas. There is no denying that $10 million is a lot of money to raise in only a single day. Problem is, it never happened. When the Romney campaign unofficially released its numbers for fundraising in the 2nd Quarter on July 1st it revealed that the campaign only raised less than $20 million for the entire quarter. That begged the question; if the campaign allegedly raised over $10 million in a single day, how could it raise less than that amount during the entire 90 other days in that quarter? reports, as it turns out, the campaign wasn’t telling the truth. Yesterday, the Los Angeles Times revealed Romney’s “sleight of hand“:

“The former Massachusetts governor’s campaign told reporters in May that he had raised $10 million in a one-day phone-a-thon in Las Vegas. But the amount actually represented pledges gathered earlier and tallied that day, not just funds actually taken in by the campaign.” said, “So the campaign not only didn’t raise $10 million in one day, they didn’t even collect $10 million dollars in pledges in one day. Instead, they ‘tallied’ pledges they received ‘earlier’. The Romney campaign purposely misled the press and the public for their own political advantage.”

There it is, flip-flop number two for the month and this is only July 2nd. Mitt(Wit) Romney has no less than 29 more days this month to add to his collection of flip-flops. Before summer’s end he will have more flip-flops than a teen-aged girl.

Please remember to click on the song link below to familiarize yourselves with the tune and to have more fun singing along with today’s song parody.

Should I Stay Or Should I Go?” song link:


 (sung to The Clash song “Should I Stay Or Should I Go”)

Romney you’ve got to let us know
Is it “yes” or is it “no”?
Change positions all the time
You know we think you’ve lost your mind
Please Mitt Romney let us know
Is it “yes” or is it “no”?

It’s always tease, tease, tease
Just make your mind-up would you please
You were pro-choice but you went back
And your health plan you now attack
So come on Mitt let us know
Is it “yes” or is it “no”?

Is it “yes” or is it “no” now?
Is it “yes” or is it “no” now?
Mitt you know that you’re in trouble
Cuz your positions more than double
So come on Mitt let us know!

Your indecision’s bugging me
(weird double-talk)
What is  your gun right policy?
(more weird double-talk)
What do you think of amnesty?
(even more weird double-talk)
We just know that you’re really shifty
(yes, even more weird double-talk)
So Mitt Romney you know
(can you believe it, even more weird double-talk)
You should cool it or you should blow!
(here we go again)


Is it “yes” or is it “no” now?
Is it “yes” or is it “no” now?
Mitt you know that you’re in trouble
Cuz your positions more than double
So come on Mitt let us know
Is it “yes” or is it “no”?

Is it “yes” or is it “no” now?
Mitt you know that you’re in trouble
Cuz your positions more than double
So come on Mitt let us know
Is it “yes” or is it “no”?

Mitt(wit) Romney Makes It Official: The Flip-Flop Campaign Begins!

Mitt Romney, the former Governor of Massachusetts and the failed 2008 Republican Presidential candidate will announce that he is seeking the Presidency once again today. His announcement will be made in New Hampshire, which holds the nation’s first primary election.

Romney however, will face a lot of obstacles in attempting to win-over Republican support. The reason? Absolutely nobody understands what he stands for. He is, without doubt, the single biggest flip-flopper that we have ever scene. While Governor of Massachusetts he was in support of safe and legal abortions. He now claims to be staunchly pro-life. While campaigning in Massachusetts, he was a steadfast supporter of gun control regulations. Since then, he has joined the NRA and now claims to support essentially no firearm regulation. While in Massachusetts he favored carbon emission regulations. He now opposes them in any form.

Want more examples? In a 1994 letter to the Log Cabin Republicans, who advocate gay rights, Romney said he was in favor of “gays and lesbians being able to serve openly and honestly” in the military. He now says it would be a mistake to interfere with the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy. In 1994, he advocated a spending limit on congressional elections and the abolition of political action committees. In 2002, he supported public financing of campaigns from a 10 percent tax on private fundraising. Later, Romney said the McCain-Feingold law limiting campaign contributions is an attack on free speech. In a November 2005 interview with the Boston Globe, he described an immigration overhaul advanced by John McCain as “reasonable.” He has since denounced it as an “amnesty plan.”

Of course, the most damaging of all the Mitt Romney flip-flops is his 360 degree reversal on health care reform policy. It is now common knowledge that although Romney is bending over backwards to join in on the Republican mantra of opposing everything about the Democrats’ 2010 health care reform law, he actually enacted a virtually identical plan in Massachusetts when he was governor… and supported or voted for similar federal plans in 1994, 2006, 2008 and 2009. In fact, Mitt Romney was the pioneer of the dreaded “personal mandate” which compels individuals to purchase health insurance and which is so universally hated by conservatives. In support of his personal mandate, Romney once said,

I think there are a number of features in the Massachusetts plan that could inform Washington on ways to improve health care for all Americans. The fact that we were able to get people insured without a government option is a model I think they can learn from.”

Ouch! That is surely going to leave a mark!

Even if Republican voters decide not to hold Mitt Romney accountable for his multiple policy flip-flops because they believe that he has the business acumen to help the economy create jobs, he still has a problem. You might recall that while running for Governor of Massachusetts, Romney promised Bay State voters that he would use his business savvy to create many new jobs. Did he fulfill his promise? Not exactly. During his full term in office, Massachusetts ranked 47th in the nation in terms of job creation according to the U.S. Labor Department. The only states that created fewer jobs were Ohio, Michigan and Louisiana. Also, when you examine Romney’s job creation ranking during the first two years of his administration (the period that Obama has now been in office), you will discover that Massachusetts ranked 50th. What makes those figures even worse is the fact that Romney governed during a time of national economic prosperity.

As Ricky Ricardo once said, “Mitt(wit), you got some splainin’ to do!”

Please remember to click on the song link below to familiarize yourselves with the tune and to have more fun singing along with today’s song parody.

Should I Stay Or Should I Go?” song link:


 (sung to The Clash song “Should I Stay Or Should I Go”)

Romney you’ve got to let us know
Is it “yes” or is it “no”?
Change positions all the time
You know we think you’ve lost your mind
Please Mitt Romney let us know
Is it “yes” or is it “no”?

It’s always tease, tease, tease
Just make your mind-up would you please
You were pro-choice but you went back
And your health plan you now attack
So come on Mitt let us know
Is it “yes” or is it “no”?

Is it “yes” or is it “no” now?
Is it “yes” or is it “no” now?
Mitt you know that you’re in trouble
Cuz your positions more than double
So come on Mitt let us know!

Your indecision’s bugging me
(weird double-talk)
What is  your gun right policy?
(more weird double-talk)
What do you think of amnesty?
(even more weird double-talk)
We just know that you’re really shifty
(yes, even more weird double-talk)
So Mitt Romney you know
(can you believe it, even more weird double-talk)
You should cool it or you should blow!
(here we go again)


Is it “yes” or is it “no” now?
Is it “yes” or is it “no” now?
Mitt you know that you’re in trouble
Cuz your positions more than double
So come on Mitt let us know
Is it “yes” or is it “no”?

Is it “yes” or is it “no” now?
Mitt you know that you’re in trouble
Cuz your positions more than double
So come on Mitt let us know
Is it “yes” or is it “no”?

Mitt(wit) Romney Caves To Religious Intolerance

Romney Supporters

Former Massachusetts Governor and once and future Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney either has a very short memory or he is flip-flopping once again (and as usual). Although he has not yet announced that he will run for President in 2012, he is making public appearances in many early primary states and he is leading in many recent polls which have analyzed G.O.P. member preference for president. Nonetheless his Achilles Heal, the “flip-flop” is rearing its ugly head yet again.

There is an old saying about the weather in New England; “If you don’t like it today, stick around because it will change tomorrow”. They same can be said about Mitt Romney. If you do not like his position on a particular issue today, stick around because he will change his position tomorrow. He is, without doubt, the biggest flip-flopper in politics.

While running for the US Senate against Ted Kennedy in 1994 (by the way, Romney got shellacked) and later while running for Governor of Massachusetts, the Mittwit was firmly pro-choice. While running for President in 2008 however, he claimed that he has always been pro-life. While Governor of Massachusetts, Romney signed strict gun control legislation into law. Later, while running for President, he actually became a member of the NRA and said he has always believed in the sanctity of the right to bear arms. Most recently, he has railed against the newly enacted health care reform law despite the fact that while Governor of Massachusetts, he signed into law the Commonwealth’s far more left leaning health reform law. Mittwit Romney is truly a Flipper.

Romney’s newest flip-flop is on the issue of religious tolerance. Wednesday’s Boston Globe informed us that there is, in this country, an “essential connection between the survival of a free land and the protection of religious freedom.’’ Indeed, “religious tolerance would be a shallow principle indeed if it were reserved only for faiths with which we agree.’’ We know this because former Governor Mitt Romney reminded us of it when, during his presidential campaign, some fundamentalist Christians started raising objections to his Mormon faith. But such is not the case in RomneyWorld any longer.

The editorial went on to explain that this week a Romney spokesman said the former governor opposes the construction of the New York City mosque on the grounds that it could be used as a recruitment tool for radicals (thereby pandering to all the falsehoods about the mosque being somehow related to 9/11) and that its presence offends some relatives of 9/11 victims. But there are plenty of relatives of 9/11 victims, among them some Muslims, who support the mosque. In any case, Romney’s flip-flop sets a terrible precedent to curb freedom of religion on the grounds that other people are uncomfortable. After all, the mere presence of Romney’s great-grandparents offended non-Mormon settlers in Utah, whose prejudices eventually drove the Romneys to seek a freer environment to practice their religion in Mexico.

His is a sad show of prejudice with dire implications not just for freedom of religion, but for national security. Radical Islamists play on the idea that Americans are at war with the Muslim faith to win new recruits. That’s all the more reason for someone who wants to be president to stand up and fight on behalf of Constitutionally protected religious freedom.

Romney’s intolerant and misguided position casts an unflattering light on a man who, just two and a half years ago, said,

“You can be certain of this: Any believer in religious freedom, any person who has knelt in prayer to the Almighty, has a friend and ally in me. And so it is for hundreds of millions of our countrymen: we do not insist on a single strain of religion — rather, we welcome our nation’s symphony of faith.’’

But then, what should we expect from Flipper?

Please remember to click on the song link below to familiarize yourselves with the tune and to have more fun singing along with today’s topical song parody. Please enjoy!

The Great Pretender song link:


(sung to The Platters song “The Great Pretender”)

Oh yes, Mitt’s the great pretender
Pretending that he is so swell
His needs are such; he pretends too much
The truth he simply cannot tell

Oh yes, Mitt’s the great pretender
Romney’s true beliefs are unknown
Mitt plays the game; flip-flops without shame
With no firm beliefs of his own

He was pro-choice he had us all believe
But when he faced strife, he switched up to pro-life

Oh yes, Mitt’s the great pretender
His opinion changes by town
Mitt claims to be what he’s not; you see
He wears his deceit like a crown
Romney is a flip-flopping clown

In Mass., health reform was what he achieved
He now says he feels health reform needs repeal

Yes, Mitt’s the great pretender
Just switching positions around
Ol’ Mitt Romney is not what you see
He wears his deceit like a crown
Romney is a flip-flopping clown

Please remember to click on the song link below to familiarize yourselves with the tune and to have more fun singing along with today’s topical song parody. Please enjoy!

The Great Pretender song link:


(sung to The Platters song “The Great Pretender”)

Oh yes, Mitt’s the great pretender
Pretending that he is so swell
His needs are such; he pretends too much
The truth he simply cannot tell

Oh yes, Mitt’s the great pretender
Romney’s true beliefs are unknown
Mitt plays the game; flip-flops without shame
With no firm beliefs of his own

He was pro-choice he had us all believe
But when he faced strife, he switched up to pro-life

Oh yes, Mitt’s the great pretender
His opinion changes by town
Mitt claims to be what he’s not; you see
He wears his deceit like a crown
Romney is a flip-flopping clown

In Mass., health reform was what he achieved
He now says he feels health reform needs repeal

Yes, Mitt’s the great pretender
Just switching positions around
Ol’ Mitt Romney is not what you see
He wears his deceit like a crown
Romney is a flip-flopping clown