Palin Plummetts In Polls (Again!!!)

Here we go again. The people have spoken and they do not like Sarah Palin. Why then does Palin continue to play cat and mouse with the idea of running for the Presidency? Better yet, why does the Media and public (including Lynnrockets) pay any attention to this inconsequential person?

CNN reports that the most recent Pew Research Center Poll released August 25th reveals that 41% of Republicans and Republican-leaning voters say there is “no chance” they would vote for Sarah Palin in a presidential race. That is the second highest rejection rate of any Republican candidate, exceeded only by Newt Gingrich.

Additionally, the most recent Gallup Survey released August 24th reveals that in a race that includes all the current candidates, plus Palin and Rudy Giuliani, the former Alaska governor would draw only 11 percent of the vote.

Finally, the most recent Public Policy Polling survey released August 23rd and  conducted in Iowa (where Palin has been spending a lot of time lately) reveals that she is in a lowly 5th place among GOP candidates.

These poll results emerged smack-dab in the midst of the war of words between Karl Rove and Palin’s political action committee SarahPAC, regarding Palin’s dithering over her decision to enter the race. The polls all show that it does not matter if the former ex-quitting half-term Alaska Gov. enters the race. Even if she does, she is doomed to defeat.

So, as for the two questions posited in our first paragraph, what can we deduce? Regarding the question as to why Palin continues to remain indecisive as to her presidential plans, it seems obvious that she is simply maintaining the monetary value of the “Palin brand” for as long as possible. Since the “Palin thing” was unfortunately thrust into the American spotlight by John McCain in 2008, she has profited immensely. If not for her status as the Vice Presidential candidate and the subsequent hilariously public display of her political ignorance and the shenanigans of her tabloid-styled family, she would have remained a virtually unknown politician with little to no marketing potential. Instead, she has made so much money form her new-found celebrity status in the form of her Fox News job, her reality television series and her two ghost-written books, that she was able to simply up-and-quit her job as Governor of Alaska. Palin knows that as soon as she announces that she will not run for the nation’s highest office, her marketability and the associated money will vanish. Consequently, it behooves her to tease the public for as long as she possibly can.

As for why the media and public continue to pay attention to a potential candidate that has no chance of winning, the answer is obvious. Sarah Palin is so absurd that she is entertaining. The media sells entertainment and the public buys it. People with no interest whatsoever in politics continue to await news of the latest Palin-related spectacle. Will she publicly insult someone (David Letterman)? Will she make another astoundingly stupid comment (Paul Revere was warning the British by ringing bells and firing shots)? Will another of her abstinence-only educated children conceive a child out of wedlock (so far we have Bristol and Track)? Will her husband continue to solicit massages from women charged with prostitution (Shailey Tripp)? The possibilities seem limitless and so long as there is entertainment value, the media and public will continue to pay attention.

So there you have it. Sarah Palin is unelectable. Sarah Palin knows this and will continue to tease the public with a decision regarding her candidacy as long as possible so as to keep the money-cow alive. The media and public will continue to be interested in Palin so long as she remains relevant and eccentric.

OK, you Rocketeers, you know what this means…

In honor of the troops, please click on the song link below to familiarize yourselves with the tune and to have more fun singing along with the song parody.

Rawhide song link:


(sung to the TV theme of, “Rawhide”)

Fallin’ Fallin’ Fallin’
Fallin’ Fallin’ Fallin’
Fallin’ Fallin’ Fallin’
Fallin’ Fallin’ Fallin’
Poll Slide

Keep movin’, movin’, movin’
People disapprovin’
Sarah’s not improvin’, Poll-Slide!
She cannot understand ‘em,
She hopes results are random,
Soon she’ll be in a double-wide.
There’s no way of definin’
Just why the polls declinin’, declinin’ like a massive

Headin’ down, movin’ fast,
Losin’ ground, ship her out,
Headin’ down, movin’ fast
Kick her out,  shoot her down,
Send her home, push her out,
Kick her butt, fallin’ fast

Fallin’ Fallin’ Fallin’
Her eyeballs are ballin’
How come no-one’s callin’?
It looks like stormy weather
And she’s light like a feather
She’ll be swept under by the tide.
She’ll be unemployed soon,
A wolf killin’ buffoon,
And all this resultin’ from her lies

Headin’ down, movin’ fast,
Losin’ ground, ship her out,
Headin’ down, movin’ fast
Kick her out,  shoot her down,
Send her home, push her out,
Kick her butt, fallin’ fast

Fallin’ Fallin’ Fallin’
Fallin’ Fallin’ Fallin’
Fallin’ Fallin’ Fallin’
Fallin’ Fallin’ Fallin’
Poll Slide

Posted on August 26, 2011, in Sarah Palin and tagged , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 12 Comments.

  1. You forgot the Sarah Palin “doing lines of cocaine” off the bar in AK accusation from the Playboy article with Mercede Johnston. The real reason I watch Palin is to see Babygate blow up in her face. Hope it is soon, because that kid Trig is NOT her biological kid.

  2. Catch me if you can

    What could be more entertaining than a whimpering Karl “the great satan” Rove on Van Susteren’s show trying to lure the slippery grifter into a commitment by insisting that she’s such a terribly important contender?

  3. Nice write-up, lynnrockets. However, to be honest; I prefer to watch Tom and Jerry for entertainment!

    It is past time for her to crash and burn.

  4. That’s Entertainment!

    There’s better entertainment than the grifting granny.

  5. Stormy Sunday

    Lynnrockets- and anybody else- good luck with Irene!
    No tape on glass window panes!
    If you’re moving, don’t forget cards, dominoes, and reading material.
    If you’re staying;
    If you have any empty plastic soda bottles fill them with water and leave them in the freezer.
    If the electricity ‘goes’ they’ll keep the freezer cool. You can keep one out for ice-cold
    drinking water. There’s nothing wrong with a lukewarm rum & coke!

  6. This is my first visit to your blog, Lynnrockets, and I must say you’re spot on with your analysis of why the public is so fascinated by anything Palin. The very idea that this woman could aspire to the highest office in the world is so very absurd that it dazzles the mind. It would be the movie “Idiocracy” come to life. And like another commenter, I agree she must be exposed for her many many frauds, including the faked pregnancy. Anyone who’s done any research on this hoax knows the truth–Sarah Palin faked her pregnancy with Trig. It’s crazy all right, but then so is the Quitter from Wasilla.

  7. Thanx for the insightful post. Thanx for using the TLC pic of Mrs. Stupid (as she is known around here). I had lost location of the original. Stay safe. Hope Irene is kind to your area.

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