David Vitter Is A Diaper Wearing Baby-Man!

Oh boy, do we love it when Republicans make it this easy. You are all familiar with Louisiana Senator David Vitter aren’t you? What’s that, you’re not? Well then, pull up a chair and we will tell you a little story.

Once upon a time there was a Republican Senator from Louisiana named David Vitter. He was a staunch political  conservative that previously served in the House of Representatives after having replaced Robert Livingston after Livingston resigned as the result of an adultery scandal. At the time, Vitter said,

“It’s obviously a tremendous loss for the state. I think Livingston’s stepping down makes a very powerful argument that Clinton should resign as well and move beyond this mess”, referring to Bill Clinton’sMonica Lewinsky scandal.

Problem is, it was later revealed that Vitter, a married man with children, had been conducting a lengthy affair with a New Orleans prostitute. When initially confronted with the accusation, Vitter said that the allegation was, ” absolutely and completely untrue.” However, in July 2007 his phone number appeared in the records of the infamous “DC Madam.” Consequently, Vitter finally fessed up and said

This was a very serious sin in my past for which I am, of course, completely responsible. Several years ago, I asked for and received forgiveness from God and my wife in confession and marriage counseling. Out of respect for my family, I will keep my discussion of the matter there — with God and them. But I certainly offer my deep and sincere apologies to all I have disappointed and let down in any way.

To add insult to injury, it was later revealed by one of his call girls that Vitter liked to be dressed in diapers during his sessions. (See diaper story here). In typical hypocritical Republican “Family Values” fashion however, Vitter failed to resign his seat after having called upon President Clinton to do so.

To make matters worse, the Republican Party leadership did not call for Vitter’s resignation either (even though they did so  with Senator Larry Craig after the light shined on his sexual indiscretions). You see, the Republican party does not really care about its members’ morality or “family values” it only cares about winning elections and holding onto seats. This became evident after the Craig affair when, after his attempted homosexual bathroom tryst, the Senator was called upon to resign by party leadership. Because Craig was a senator from a state with a Republican governor however, his seat would most likely be filled with another Republican appointed by said governor until a special election. In the case of Vitter however, there was no call from party leadership for his resignation. The Vitter case was different in their eyes because Vitter’s State of Louisiana had a Democratic Party governor. Consequently, upon Vitter’s resignation, the seat would likely be filled by a Democratic party appointee until the special election. In the eyes of the Republican Party, holding on to an elected office trumps any concern over immorality of party members.

Well, here is the newest from David Vitter. He claimed this week that Homeland Security Secretary, Janet Napolitano is “out of touch with reality”. Let’s get this straight, a grown man that wears diapers while in the company of hookers should not be qualified to judge whether anyone is “out of touch with reality”.

Please click on the song link below to familiarize yourselves with the tune and to have more fun singing along with today’s television inspired song parody.

The Flinstones television theme song link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hByFDVwiQq8


(sung to the television theme song “The Flinstones”)

Vitter, meet Dave Vitter
He’s the diaper wearing Senator
From Louisiana
Where he purchases those kinky whores.

On his faithful wife he chose to cheat
Now he’s targeted for big defeat

When you’re David Vitter
Buying hookers on the state dime
It’s big mistake time
It was a vice squad crime

Vitter, David Vitter
Of the “Family Values” G.O.P.
Unlike Johnny Bobbitt
He escaped and kept his prized pee-pee

On his faithful wife he chose to cheat
Now he’s targeted for big defeat

When you’re David Vitter
You’re just wallowing in your slime
Endorsing sex crimes
Exposed during prime time

Exposed during prime time

Posted on February 4, 2010, in David Vitter, Larry Craig and tagged , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 13 Comments.

  1. He has something to say about Janet Napolitano? To paraphrase a commenter on the Mudflats, “I think he should be shot out of a cannon.

    Who cares what that guy thinks?”

    That photo is only slightly less nightmarish than the Beck/Cheetos one, but given his love of cheating with hookers and diapers, the Cheetos might have been a nice touch!

    The Rs don’t care how they get back into POWER, even if they need to lie, cheat and/or steal elections with Diebold-made voting machines. Even though it might look like he should lose, we all need to be vigilant.

    The Bobbit line was a nice surprise and surely crossed his wife’s mind. Who knows what deal she extracted from him.

  2. For God’s sake!

    The Founding Fathers couldn’t look into the future, but they understood human nature well enough to realize that the most backward States would be the easiest prey for quack politicians pretending to know God.

    It’s a shame that a poor red State like Louisiana-a net recipient of Federal money-would be responsible for sending such a dishonest and reactionary con man to our great nation’s capital!

  3. Wow! Thanks for the history lesson. Didnt know that the only reason the RNC didnt call for his head was because of a Dem Gov.
    Frigging incredible, the gall of ALL these hippocrate Republicans.

    I’m so sick of their lying, cheatin’ ways.

  4. P.S.
    Lynn, I just want to thank you for all you do in trying to expose all these as*holes.

    Me Hat’s off to you and all the other AK Bloggers!! You guys are really getting alot of attention these days and I couldnt be happier! Thank YOU!!

  5. This is embarrassing, yet I can laugh because “Diaper Wearing Baby-Man” (that’s a good one) is not as embarrassing as Sarah.

  6. Not from personal experience but I’ve got some friends who are in the some legitimate sex industries (fetish models, S & M lifestyles, and therapists) and It’s actually very very unnerving how many “Powerful” men have this fetish or want to be totally submissive to a dominatrix. I am not surprised.

  7. These guys want to be humilated, because of the evil they do. They need to feel clean through acts of humiliation. Sick.

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  9. Why are there so many Republican Congressional perverts?

    • Frankly?
      Because they are easy to control. You can bet Vitter and the others who have romps with underage boys or girls; or adult prostitutes (doesn’t matter – both are in play) have found out later their sessions were recorded and documented by State Security.

      ‘Hey, Congressman X, you need to vote more ‘aid’ for Israel. Oh you don’t want to? Here, have a look at this. Now do you want the Post referencing this video in tomorrow’s paper? No? Then do as your told. Hey, we’ll even line up fun filled evening for you after the vote, just to show how much we really care.’

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