Daily Archives: June 12, 2012

Scott Brown Is Afraid To Admit He Is A Republican

ABC News points out a curious fact:

“If you watch or listen to an ad for Senator Scott Brown in Massachusetts, chances are you’ll hear at least one of the following terms; bipartisanship, compromise, Red Sox.

One term you might not hear: Republican.

That’s because for Brown, the Republican incumbent in the closely watched Massachusetts Senate race, his party identity could put him at an inherent disadvantage in the solidly blue Bay State.

As of February 2012, the voter enrollment figures from the Massachusetts Secretary of State showed that out of the total 4-million-plus registered voters, just 466,431 were registered Republicans — about 11 percent. Registered Democrats outnumber them by three to one — 1,475,879 are listed by the secretary’s office, an inherent advantage for Democratic challenger Elizabeth Warren.”

Truth be told, it is a bit strange that the clothing-challenged Brown mentions the Boston Red Sox either. After all, when Brown was a state representative, he not only pushed to remove the team from the beloved  historical Fenway Park, but he also proposed moving the team completely out of Boston to land in Foxborough, MA which happens to be owned by one of his supporters. The Boston Globe writes,

“As a state legislator, he pressed to have the Sox move to Foxborough, the town adjacent to his own town of Wrentham. In a letter dated January, 2001, Brown asked Patriots owner Robert Kraft to consider using property around his football stadium to build a new ballpark.”


But we digress.

Scott Brown’s attempts to fool Massachusetts voters into believing that he is not a Big Bank-loving Republican will prove to be difficult. After all, the nudist was named as one of “Wall Streets’ Favorite Congressmen” by the ultra-conservative Forbes magazine. Also, 11 of Browns top 20 campaign donors are Wall Street banks and private equity firms (in contrast, his opponent Elizabeth Warren has no Wall Street entities as her top donors). Furthermore, Brown watered down the new Dodd-Frank Financial Regulation Law in such a way that it was unable to prevent the risky trading which nearly caused collapse of Goldman Sachs a few months ago and which could have plunged our nation’s economy back into recession.

Brown’s reluctance to admit that he is a Republican is understandable of course. After all, the GOP has been waging a War on Women’s Rights, trying to maintain tax advantages for the wealthy which hurt the working/middle class, injecting religion into nearly every governmental function and trying to fire policemen, firemen and teachers en masse. Wouldn’t it just be easier for Scott Brown to mimic Arlen Specter and just switch parties?

Come on over Scott, the Democratic Party is housed in a very large tent!

Please remember to click on the song link below to familiarize yourselves with the tune and to have more fun singing along with today’s topical song parody. Please enjoy!


(sung to the Beatles song “I’m Down”)

Scott’s tellin’ lies thinking I can’t see
That nude guy is so blind he can’t see
I’m down (I’m really down)
I’m down (Down on Scott Brown)
I’m down (I’m really down)
Watch as I laugh at that nude Scott Brown
(Watch as I laugh) When we vote him down

We’ll all sing when he’s voted away
Brown’s short fling will be over in days
I’m down (I’m really down)
I’m down (Down on Scott Brown)
I’m down (I’m really down)
Watch as I laugh at that nude Scott Brown
(Watch as I laugh) When we vote him down

Once he’s dethroned, he’ll be all by himself
Scott will moan: “They wanted someone else!”
I’m down (I’m really down)
Let’s vote him down (Vote down Scott Brown)
Scott Brown (He’s goin’ down)
Watch as I laugh at that nude Scott Brown
(Watch as I laugh) When we vote him down

(Wow! Scott’s goin’ down!)

Whoo, baaby!

Oh Scott, you’re soon going down (He’s goin’ down)
I guess your down (He’s really down)
We’re down on Scott Brown (He’s goin’ down)
Scott! Brown! (He’s goin’ down)
Let’s hang him upside down
Oh yeh, yeh, yeh, yeh, yeh, he’s down (He’s really down)
Scott baby you’re down (He’s really down)
Let’s hang him upside down (Let’s watch him frown)
Ooh, that Brown (He’s such a clown)
Scott baby you’re down, yeh
Scott baby you’re down, yeh
Scottie, you’re down (You’re really down)
Scott baby you’re down (You’re goin’ down)
Oh, Scottie, Scottie, Scottie! (You’re goin’ down)
Oh, Scottie you’re down (You’re goin’ down)
You’re down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down,  yeh, whoa!!!