Fantasy Football Weekend

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Lynnrockets will be busy today at his annual fantasy football draft. This is probably the day that I look forward to most in all the year. Twelve longtime buddies re-assemble at a local watering hole and draft our imaginary football teams while imbibing in intoxicating beverages. We insult each other repeatedly and resort to a lot of potty talk between gulping our adult beverages. Very childish and yet very much fun. Sometimes all the nonsense even makes us forget that there are a few thousand dollars at stake.

Off I go! Wish me luck because I will be living with this team for the next 5 months.

These are paid spokespersons and not actually us.

Posted on September 3, 2011, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. Calculators and beer–interesting composition and combination! May the best team win. Hope it is yours!

  2. I hear the Dolphins defense is going at a good price and should be pretty decent this year. Judging by last year, the Dolphins field goal kicker might also be a good investment.

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